Obama Invites Nordic Leaders and Hollywood Celebrities for Anti-Russian Rally at the White House

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 14, 2016


It’s an old-fashioned monkey party!

Obama just staged a massive anti-Russian rally at the White House with a bunch of Nordic cucks.

Daily Mail:

President Obama and the First Lady have welcomed five Nordic leaders to the White House for a lavish state dinner after earlier putting on a show of unity against Vladimir Putin’s recent military aggression in the Baltics.

The Obamas first welcomed Icelandic Prime Minister Sigurdur Ingi Johannsson – who has only been in charge of his country for a month – and his wife Ingibjorg Elsa Ingjaldsdottir as they arrived at the North Portico of the White House.

They were swiftly followed by the prime ministers of Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway, who were also invited to the unusual – if a little crowded – meeting.

The dinner will send a strong statement to Russia, who the five heads of state earlier slammed for its military buildup – including the buzzing of a U.S. warship near Kaliningrad – as they called for economic sanctions against Moscow to be maintained.

Russia is involved in a “military buildup”!


While NATO is finishing up a tactical nuclear launch station in Romania, it’s Russia who’s the aggressor!

They reiterated that they will continue to sanction Russia, apparently to prevent them from invading Sweden.

Meanwhile, Sweden and the rest of these countries are aggressively assisting the invasion of their own countries by people who actually do want to conquer and destroy them.


The Moslems Sweden is invading itself with are mass-raping the women and launching missiles on the streets.

But Russia is the threat.

It’s bizarro world, mate.

This event was a gigantic spectacle.

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The First Monkeys even invited a bunch of Hollywood celebrities to stand with Scandinavia against Russia!

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The gangster rap stars – such as Rick Ross – who were invited to the White House last month were absent – maybe they like Russia! Because I know Obama is looking for any excuse he can find to bring gangster rappers to the White House.

Seriously though.

How would you even think of inviting Hollywood celebrities to an anti-Russian rally at the White House?

What message are Will Ferrell and Miranda Kerr meant to be sending?

Obama seems to be just trolling us at this point.

It’s as if he did this to mess with Internet Nazis.