Daily Stormer
July 31, 2014

The Chief Black Terrorist of the United States, Planet of the Apes Occupation Leader Barack Obama, has altered the guidelines for putting Americans on terrorist watchlists, explicitly claiming that White people are the real terrorists who need to be watched on lists.
The Obama administration has quietly rewritten the rules on how it goes about designating Americans as terrorists, according to a new report by Glenn Greenwald’s Intercept online investigations project.
The report details how Obama has expanded the terrorist watchlist system, “authorizing a secret process that requires neither ‘concrete facts’ nor ‘irrefutable evidence’ to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist,” according to a key government document obtained by the Intercept.
Instead of actual evidence, all the government needs is the nebulous “reasonable suspicion,” which is considered one of the lowest standards of proof in the American legal system. It’s less than “probable cause,” which is required to make an arrest.
A 166-page document obtained by Intercept titled “March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance” was issued last year by the National Counterterrorism Center. It identifies for the first time the government’s secret rules for placing people on its main terrorist database, as well as the no-fly list and the selectee list, which triggers enhanced screening at airports and border crossings.
The federal government shares its watchlist data with local law enforcement, foreign governments and “private entities,” Intercept reported.
WND reported in 2011 that the Department of Homeland Security issued a new public service announcement encouraging Americans to look at their neighbors with a wary eye and report them to authorities if they see any suspicious behaviors.
The DHS suggests a typical woman terrorist would be a Caucasian in her late 20s or early 30s, with brunette hair, stylish clothing, high heels and a shoulder bag. A man? About the same age, short hair, wearing a shirt and slacks and familiar with technology, as he’s wearing an earpiece cellphone. Also Caucasian.
The difficult reality here is that White people are the least likely group to be involved in any sort of terrorism. Thus, by making this claim, the PotA Occupation is admitting that they are openly at war with White America, and will use any means at their disposal to abuse them for their own Jew and Negro purposes.