Obama on 60 Minutes Getting Berated by Steve Kroft for Not Starting WWIII

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 12, 2015

Mostly, it is just him getting bullied by the interviewer,  Steve Kroft, about starting a war with Russia over moderate terrorists in Syria. No idea why he subjected himself to this. He should have gotten Charlie Rose to do it, go soft on him, pet him like a baby.

Obama does not deal well with criticism.

Kroft calls him weak, claims he’s bowing down to Putin, the whole thing. Similar to the way The Washington Post was chiding him a couple days ago – basically calling him a coward.

He also talks about Hillary’s email server, and defends her, saying it was somehow “not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.”

He didn’t elaborate and Kroft did not go all aggro on him like he did Syria and Russia.

Overall, I’d say it’s worth watching. For those who don’t know, YouTube now has a fast-forward option if you click the gear. You can speed it up to make for easier watching. Interviewers and people being interviewed tend to talk very slow.

Just as a note, this interview was recorded Tuesday, and aired last night (Sunday). Not sure why they do that, except that they are still on this old model of TV shows having a specific air-time. Live streaming this sort of thing would certainly put an element of honesty into it which we haven’t seen since the advent of television journalism.

Here’s the full transcript.