Obama Tells Europe Charlie is Their Fault Because They Didn’t do Enough for Moslems

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2015

"Yall craggas sudda pus mo money fo dem programs." -Obama, explaining to the French that Charlie is their fault
“Yall craggas sudda pus mo money fo dem programs.” -Obama, explaining to the French that Charlie is their fault

The insolent stooge Barack Obama has come out and effectively blamed Europe for the terrorist attacks it is currently suffering almost daily, saying that they should have done a better job in assimilating their invasive hordes.

Seriously. That’s what’s happening here. After the Paris attacks, Barack Obama, the African President of America who has been trying to incite a race war since he got elected, is coming out and lecturing Europe about how to integrate minorities.


At a White House news conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron, his first foreign guest since last week’s Charlie Hebdo massacre, Obama said the allies would stand by France.

But he also warned that the answer to the recent violence must not simply be a security crackdown.

Obama said the Paris attacks “underscored how terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIL (ISIS) are actively trying to inspire and support people within our own countries to engage in terrorism.”

The US leader said the 2013 Boston marathon bombing showed that the United States was not entirely safe from Islamic militant cells, but suggested that it had had more success than others in integrating minorities.

“Our biggest advantage, major, is that our Muslim populations feel themselves to be Americans and there is this incredible process of immigration and assimilation that is part of our tradition,” he said.

“There are parts of Europe in which that’s not the case… it’s important for Europe not to simply respond with a hammer and law enforcement and military approaches to these problems.”

And he added: “There also has to be a recognition that the stronger the ties of a North African or a Frenchman of North African descent to French liberties, that’s going to be important over time.”

Then Obama and Cameron went on to talk about how they are helping each other spy on everyone.