Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 13, 2014

Ukraine is in Hell, Iraq is in Hell, the Jews have launched their biggest military operation against the Palestinians in decades, the American border has collapsed into utter chaos, the entire Middle East is about to explode from the ISIS crisis… and Obama is going to Martha’s Vineyard. For 15 days.
The Obamas will leave Washington on Saturday, Aug. 9, and stay at a $12 million vacation home in Martha’s Vineyard until Sunday, Aug. 24, the White House confirmed late Wednesday.
The president is expected to return to Chilmark and stay in a secluded house off North Road that overlooks the north shore and Vineyard Sound, the Martha’s Vineyard Times reported.
Though not confirmed by the White House, the Obamas are expected to stay at the home of Joanne Hubschman at 72 Gosnold’s Way off Prospect Hill Road.
“The seven-bedroom, nine-bath, 8,100-square-foot house, sits on a 10-acre lot and is assessed at more than $12 million. It features 17 rooms in total, expansive water views of Vineyard Sound, an infinity pool and hot tub, and a dual tennis-basketball court,” the weekly newspaper reported.
Rumors about the first family’s visit began circulating around the island in March, and the White House began arranging for lodging this spring, sources told the paper.
This proves – as if we needed more proof – that Obama’s only function in the US government is to give speeches. All the planning is done by Jews and other subversives. He can disappear in the middle of a global meltdown and no one will even notice.