Refugee Resettlement Watch
April 19, 2015
I don’t even know where to begin to snip this incredible article by writer Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily who has been following the Refugee Resettlement Program and the general community destruction happening across America under this President with his illegal policies on immigration geared to change America by colonizing your towns.

We previously reported on the work of the Task Force, here.
As readers here know, yesterday Obama’s Task Force on New Americans unveiled its strategy to seed your communities with aliens and coerce you into “welcoming” them one and all. I’m told it was boring and for Americans not trained to hear certain buzzwords it might have seemed pretty much ho-hum.
But apparently not so as Hohmann tells us here. You must read it!
These are some of the topics, besides the fact that they want the wheels of government to focus on assessing how “welcoming” you are! (Presumably there will ultimately be some punishment if you are not sufficiently welcoming.)
* Assimilation and national security are never mentioned.
* Grants are given to “contain the backlash” where ‘pockets of resistance’ are forming.
* They want to create a “Refugee Corps,” an AmeriCorps for refugees who aren’t finding work (They don’t say that part, but I do! Refugee unemployment is extremely high, so this is one more way of redistributing the wealth.)
* ‘Welcoming America’ is involved in getting your minds right on this issue of “welcoming” migrant seedlings to the soil of your town.
* Hohmann reports on the role of George Soros and propagandist David Lubell. He also brings in that incredible Mark Levin radio program we wrote about here.
* Watch for it, as Hohmann tells us: “The White House report encourages every community in every state to establish an immigration integration plan.” Resist!
Read it and send to everyone you know!
Obama is literally changing America by changing the people! And, he is creating a propaganda campaign to ‘get your minds right’ (to shut you up!) so you will stay quiet as we are being colonized by the third world.
About the photo: Learn more about the National Partnership for New Americans, by clicking here. Ms. Millona is (or was) director of MIRA (Massachusetts Immigration and Refugee Advocacy Coalition) and is co-chair of this New Americans gang where (Ha! Ha!) Josh Hoyt is Director. We wrote about Alinsky-style agitator Hoyt when he went with Wade Rathke (ACORN) to Egypt to help ‘community organize’ there during the Arab Spring.