Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 29, 2015

Though he admitted that the White House was low on toilet paper, tampons and Pringles potato chips, Obama made a promise today that he will not be going to Baltimore to join his brothers in looting the city.
He indicated that he was too old to riot, and had already been in enough race riots in his lifetime.
President Obama said in an interview broadcast Wednesday morning that he would not be visiting the riot-stricken city of Baltimore any time soon, but wouldn’t rule out a trip after the turmoil has calmed.
“Once things have been cleared up, I think there’s going to be a time I go back to Baltimore,” Obama said on “The Steve Harvey Morning Show,” a radio program. ” Visiting now, Obama explained, would “take a lot of assets out of where they need to be.”
“I’ve seen this movie too many times before,” Obama said, adding that communities and police need to work together to solve broader societal problems, like poverty and drug addiction, that often boil over into violence.
Many of the American people are sceptical about Obama’s promise not to get involved in the looting of toilet paper, tampons and Pringles potato chips in Baltimore.