Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 19, 2015

Baruch Osama, the terrorist African ruler of America, published a pretentious op-ed in the LA Times. You read that right. It was not the New York Times, as would have been normal, but the LA Times. How edgy?
After explaining to the masses of idiot White racists who elected him President of their country that Islam has nothing to do with Islamic terrorism, writing “Groups like al Qaeda and ISIL promote a twisted interpretation of religion that is rejected by the overwhelming majority of the world’s Muslims,” he goes on to explain that the real problem is White Americans not making the murderers feel welcome among us.
He then implied old Glenn Miller finally losing it after 70 years of dealing with this crap is the same thing as ISIS.
Seriously, look at this crap:
Finally — with al Qaeda and ISIL peddling the lie that the United States is at war with Islam — all of us have a role to play by upholding the pluralistic values that define us as Americans. This week, we’ll be joined by people of many faiths, including Muslim Americans who make extraordinary contributions to our country every day. It’s a reminder that America is successful because we welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds.
That pluralism has at times been threatened by hateful ideologies and individuals from various religions. We’ve seen tragic killings at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012 and at a Jewish community center in Kansas last year.
We do not yet know why three young people, who were Muslim Americans, were brutally killed in Chapel Hill, N.C. But we know that many Muslim Americans across our country are worried and afraid. Americans of all faiths and backgrounds must continue to stand united with a community in mourning and insist that no one should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship.
That is his closing point. His bottom line.
You know what Osama? I’m fed-up with this crap. I don’t want to live with Moslems, and that doesn’t mean I want to murder them.
Why are we responsible for these people? Why are we not allowed to simply live our lives, without dealing with this? What exactly is the justification for forcing diversity on the American people, and then blaming them for not doing a good enough job at dealing with it?
This is stupid.