Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 25, 2015

Baruch Osama’s Planet of the Apes Occupation government has had one goal, above all other goals, and that is to destroy the basic fabric of European-American society. This has involved multiple different strategies, many of which come in the form of psychological warfare. But the core strategy, around which all other strategies have been formed, is flooding America with endless numbers of subhumans from everywhere.
Interestingly enough, over the last years, the number of Moslems who have been imported into the country has surpassed the number of low-IQ brown Christians and gang-members from Latin America.
Between 2010 and 2013, the Obama administration imported almost 300,000 new immigrants from Muslim nations — more immigrants than the U.S. let in from Central America and Mexico combined over that period.
This is a sea change in immigration flows, and it threatens national security.
Many of the recent Muslim immigrants are from terrorist hot spots like Iraq, where the Islamic State operates. From 2010-2013, Obama ushered in 41,094 Iraqi nationals from there.
Now the State Department says it will quadruple the number of refugees brought here from Syria, where IS is headquartered.
The U.S. will admit as many as 2,000 Syrian nationals by the end of fiscal year 2015, up from 525 since fiscal 2011.
And there is no plan on slowing this down. People from everywhere continue to flood this once-great nation that our granddad’s poured out their blood from their veins to build, in order to give us something. To give our children something. And all of it – every last bit – is being given to strangers, for no clear reason beyond a clear goal of destroying everything about who we are as a people.
I don’t believe anyone is making the argument that this is sustainable. The argument is instead: just don’t ever talk about it. Keep your mouth shut, or we’ll shut it for you.
I am almost glad they are bringing in more Moslems. That makes it more likely that we can finally have a conversation about race. And all we need is a conversation. Once the debate starts, no one is capable of defending the positions of the liberal-Jew left which is destroying our country.