Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 13, 2013

I, like probably most everyone else in the world, do not believe polls tend to accurately reflect public opinion. They are usually weasel-worded and often the data is collected from a targeted, specific demographic, which is more likely to give the desired results.
However, the fact that the pollsters are now admitting that the worst president ever now has approval ratings as low as the second worst president ever is telling.
Though I am not presently in America, so cannot comment directly on the general vibe of the people, it seems unlikely to me that anyone at all is still supporting this Judeophile black. If tricking us into continuing endless insane wars, constantly trying to steal our guns and looting the economy for the benefit of the Jew bankers wasn’t enough, this healthcare plot seems to be enough.
Like the Anti-Pope, every single thing this man has done has been evil.
MSNBC reports:
More than half–54%–of Americans do not support the president’s handling of current situations, according to the Quinnipiac poll released this week.
“This is just a leadership issue,” Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough said on Wednesday’s show. ”Whether you’re running a Baptist church or a football team or a country: If something is this badly screwed up, you go in and you call everybody around and you say: ‘We either stop the bleeding in the next two weeks or we’re shutting this down.’”
More than half of the public–52%–said Obama isn’t honest and trustworthy on issues ranging from health care and immigration to foreign policy and the economy. His approval rating sunk especially among women, independents and older Americans.
The new ratings are identical to the public’s view of former President George W. Bush in December 2005 during his second term, several months after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and Americans blamed him for his slow response with federal aid.
“I think this hurts all Democrats right now. I think it hurts them in a terrible way,” said Scarborough, who added that this is a “cry for competence.”
Forty-six percent of Americans said the president deceived them on Obamacare, according to the poll.
Meanwhile, congress’ approval rating has dropped to 9%, which is apparently the lowest ever.
From the Albuquerque Journal:
The approval rating for the House and Senate fell from 19 percent in September to 11 percent in October, as the shutdown was under way.
By this month’s survey, conducted Nov. 7 through 10, lawmakers saw the institution’s popularity dip to 9 percent.
“Although the shutdown is now history, Americans’ views of Congress have not recovered,” Gallup wrote.
The single-digit tally was the lowest Gallup has recorded in its 39 years. The previous low, registered twice in 2012, was 10 percent, Gallup said.