Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 11, 2014

The deranged black President has announced that he will use our tax money to feed, clothe and care for nearly 30,000 invading savages. Or, such was his official request, which the Jew-ridden congress will quickly approve.
This $3.8 billion is going to be pulled out of nowhere in an already backrupt government for the purpose of doing something that is damaging to our country – spending money you don’t have to destroy yourself is extremely poor policy.
However, if the Monkey Chief wished, he could send these savages home for half of one percent of this proposed $3.8 billion, a total savings of 99.5%, with no social damage being caused by the hordes at all.
Most of his proposal is to pay living expenses. At the unofficial reported cost of $250 per person per day, President Barack Obama is proposing we spend $1.8 billion “to provide appropriate care for unaccompanied children.” That works out to 19,726 minors for a year. (The official term for them, written into federal statute, is “undocumented alien children.” Not undocumented immigrants, migrants or refugees. Those other terms are efforts at propaganda.)
In addition, Obama wants another $879 million “for detention and removal of apprehended undocumented adults traveling with children,” and “alternatives to detention programs” for these adults. He blends “removal” with “detention” to make it impossible to determine how many removals are planned.
If the money is all for detention, then the $250 per person reveals the plan is to house 9,632 adults for a year at taxpayers’ expense.
Combine 19,726 minors with 9,632 adults and you have 29,358 people. But it gets worse. The request is for a “supplemental appropriation.” In budget lingo, that typically means it’s for the current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. If these funds don’t cover a full year, either the cost per person is much higher or the number of people is much higher.
If the daily cost per person is less than $250, then the small city of illegal aliens we’re supporting will be larger than 29,358.
Although Obama asks for lots of money to take care of people permanently, he gives zero details about a timeframe for deporting or repatriating any of the persons involved.
PHOTOS: Obama’s biggest White House ‘fails’
The $250 a day figure compares with the $667 one-way cost of an airline ticket from McAllen, Texas, to Guatemala City, Guatemala, according to both Orbitz and Priceline. The combined airfare for 29,358 passengers would be $19.6 million. That is one-half of 1 percent of President Obama’s overall $3.8 billion request. Volume discounts and government rates would yield even lower fares. But even without discounts, sending everyone home right away saves taxpayers 99.5 percent!
It’s also closer to fly them from McAllen to Guatemala City than to Murietta, California. Only 1,297 miles compared to 1,549 miles. And no protesters.
Wow, I wish Obama would give me $250 a day. That is some pretty serious money.
It all gets more ridiculous by the minute with this idiot black and his Jew, gay and gay-Jew supporters.