Ocasio is Actually BASED and Hates Kikes, BFF is an Aggressive Anti-Kike Activist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 28, 2018

So this crazy 28-year-old latinx beat out a Congressman who has been serving since 1999 to win the Democratic primary for her district, which means she won the Congressional seat, because the district is so blue the actual election is just a formality.

The guy she beat was a big guy. He was being floated to replace Pelosi as minority leader.

Turns out that despite being a full-communist, this is one BASED spic.

Furthermore, people want to fuck her.

Jews are making a big deal out of her pretty aggressive anti-Israel statements.

But the way better thing is her BFF who campaigned with her is an ultra-aggressive kike hater, who, as we will learn, also hates niggers.

Daily Caller:

Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stunned the political world and rank-in-file Democrats by defeating incumbent Joe Crowley in Tuesday’s New York primary. The Ocasio-Cortez win signaled the growing swing leftward for national Democrats, a party undergoing a power struggle and identity crisis after Trump’s election victory in 2016. The platform Ocasio-Cortez ran on was deeply progressive, calling on the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, nationalized health care, universal jobs guarantee and getting America to 100 percent green energy.

One of Ocasio-Cortez’s most enthusiastic campaigners and a man who stood behind her at her victory party, Thomas Lopez-Pierre, is a known anti-Semite and racist. Lopez-Pierre has regularly used slurs against Jewish and black New Yorkers in public forums and while running for office himself.

While running for office in 2017, Lopez-Pierre specifically campaigned on “protecting tenants from greedy Jewish landlords.” Lopez-Pierre’s own campaign website shows his rantings agains “Greedy Jewish Landlords.” His campaign website applauds the arrest of “Greedy Jewish Landlords” and says that “Jewish Landlords” are “punishing” black and Hispanic families.

I guess your pets are a little bit out of control there, huh Shlomo?

This is like that (more recent) Planet of the Apes movie.



Now look at this.

Lopez-Pierre’s twitter bio says he is protecting people from “greedy Jewish landlords.” In May of 2018, Lopez-Pierre ranted against “Greedy Jewish landlords,” saying Jesus should put them “In Hell.” Just this month Lopez-Pierre tweeted about “Greedy Jewish landlords.”

This guy is fantastic.

He even publicly threatens to attack Jews on the street.

Then when the kikes whined – as they are prone to do, as you are perhaps aware – he posted a troll video saying he was going to educate himself on the Jews by reading “Capitalism and the Jews.”

He says “I recently asked two Jewish women – that I’m dating – to help me find books that will help educate me about the Jewish community.”

That view is from like 3 months ago.

That is funny shit.

He also campaigned for her in videos talking about greedy Jewish landlords.

And it just keeps getting better.

At her victory party, he posted a video calling Crowley, the old white man she beat, a “Donald Trump Democrat” – which means “a white guy”!

These are the people taking over the Democrat Party!

They went too hard, didn’t have a platform, and now the void is being filled by a bunch of Jew-hating brown-skinned communist extremists!


But wait – we haven’t even gotten to the nigger hate.

He confirmed to Politico that this email he sent to a black guy was legit:

Subject: Brain Benjamin you uncle Tom Nigger bitch who sucks cook – Thomas Lopez-Pierre January 3, 2013

Brain Benjamin:

First I would like to say Happy New Year!

Now that bullshit is out of the way, I wanted to say this to your face but I did not want my words to be misunderstood.

So I am sending it to you in writing and sharing it with others.

I see that you are on the host committee for Mark Levine for City Council.

I would hope that one day you would give me the legal grounds to bitch slap you.

You are an uncle Tom Nigger bitch.

Its Nigger bitches like you that have sold out the Black people of Harlem.

To think there are about eight other candidates in this race that are Black and Hispanic and you decided to pick Mark Levine the only White/Jewish guy in the race to raise money for.

What good does it do our community (by this I mean Black and Hispanic people) to have uncle Tom Nigger bitches like you graduate from Ivy League schools if all you do is suck the cock of guys like Mark Levine.

All the best,

Thomas Lopez-Pierre

PS, The reason why you got your Nigger ass kicked (politically) by Jamaal Nelson when you ran for district leader is because Black people in Harlem can smell the Bitch in you.

They know that you are a weak, little short man who sucks White/Jewish cock.


This is so, so good.

To be Clear

It should go without saying that I’m not trying to say I support latinx communists or think they are our allies. These people hate whites almost as much as they hate the Jews.

But yes, I am 100% saying that I would rather have a brown anti-Semite Democrat Party than a Jewish neocon Democrat party. For a whole bunch of different reasons.

Off the top of my head:

  • People hating Jews is always good – any pressure on Jews is good, no matter the source
  • There is no way that “White Democrat” can continue to be a thing when these people hate whites almost as much as they hate Jews, meaning a party of totally brown people without even any Jews to guide the ship
  • They won’t be pushing for wars, will be pushing against wars, will be putting the whole Israel and Jewish problem into the media
  • They can vote with Trump Republicans against interventionism (that is the one “alliance” issue that makes sense)

Boy oh boy.

The Democrat Party really should have put together a platform of some kind.

Having no platform and encouraging anyone from the fringes of society to run for office… that was really a recipe for disaster.