Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 4, 2014
Lately, I’ve noticed a trend of people in the comments section of articles on the Gaza massacre saying that it is good that Jews are slaughtering Arabs.
I am able to understand how this thought process works, but I must assert that it is wrong.
The Muslims who are invading Europe are, without any doubt, our enemies. Muslims who are in their own countries, however, are no threat to us at all, and we should absolutely have compassion for these people being brutally murdered by the evil Jews.
Clearly, it is somewhat complex to make the distinction between Muslims in our countries and those without, as they are the same people, and it is much easier to think of enemies in terms of a collective.
And so, we might use this analogy:
Though the libertarian trolls will tell us different, this planet is absolutely undergoing a massive ecological crisis.
I fully support environmental protection and the preservation of endangered species. In particular, I feel a strong affinity toward big cats, and despise the way that capitalist corporations are wiping out their habitats in order to exploit resources cheaply.
However, if a large number of Tigers were released on the streets of major European cities, they would be a very serious problem. They would be killing people left and right, Rampaging through the place. As such, I would view these immigrant Tigers as an enemy in my city, even as I support their continued existence in their own habitat.
Such it is with Non-White persons. Wanting to preserve our race, and viewing the lesser races as lower than us, in no way implies that we should want these people to die while fighting for their freedom in the own homes.
These people dying in their own lands does absolutely nothing to benefit the White race (except in one indirect way, which I’ll get to later). If anything, this means more Arabs coming into Europe as refugees. The plight of the Palestinians is the same as our plight – the fight against Jews trying to take their lands and freedom from them. The fact that they are Arabs does not effect this reality scenario.
The one benefit that the slaughter does offer is that it shows the Jew for what he is. We should then thank the Palestinians for sacrificing their lives so that the whole world can see the true nature of the demonic Jew parasite.
We should continue to advocate for Palestine, continue to show the people what the Jews are doing to these poor primitive people, who have been left without defense, as they are slaughtered wholesale by the spineless Jew murder machine which purposefully targets children and women.
Surely, by presenting the image that we like seeing innocent babies slaughtered, we are presenting ourselves as monsters, no better than the Jew himself. We are not monsters and we are as much better than a Jew as a lion is better than an infectious bacteria. Our strength as Aryans is in our racial soul, and our racial soul is defined by compassion. To be assured, we must also be strong, not allowing the lower races to strip us of everything our ancestors gave us, but a disregard for human life is not strength – it is a disgusting and Jew-like absence of basic morality.
By the hand of God, may Europe and Palestine both be free of the destroying force that is the international Jew.
For more on the subject of Palestinian liberation, I refer you to the man himself, Adolf Hitler.