Of Known Shooting Offenders in Philadelphia in 2014, 95.3 Percent were Non-White

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
October 11, 2015


You have to love police departments in America that break down homicides and nonfatal shootings by race.

Chicago used to do it.

St. Louis does it.

As does New York City.

So does Philadelphia.

For the past three years, SBPDL has been one of the few sites (and the originator) of publicizing the data the Philadelphia Police Department makes available for all to see that so few dare view…

And they recently the 2014 data.

According to the 2010 US Census, blacks are 43 percent of the population of Philadelphia, while whites make up roughly 36 percent of the population. “Hispanics” (Amerindians) make up roughly 12 percent of the population.

The one beautiful fact of the Philadelphia Police Department data is they break out the racial stats of both victim and suspect for homicides and nonfatal shootings without lumping Amerindians in with whites.

Let’s get the to the numbers!

There were 248 homicides in Philadelphia in 2014:

  • 80.7 percent of the victims were black
  • 14.6 percent of the victims were Amerindian
  • 3.2 percent of the victims were white

There were 1047 nonfatal shooting victims in Philadelphia in 2014:

  • 81.4 percent of the victims were black
  • 13.5 percent of the victims were Amerindian
  • 4.3 percent of the victims were white

Of known suspects, the race of the offenders in the 2014 homicides in Philadelphia (representing 142 of the 248 cases):

  • 72.6 percent of the victims were black
  • 14.1 percent of the victims were Amerindian
  • 6.3 percent of the victims were white

Of known suspects, the race of the offenders in the 2014 nonfatal shootings in Philadelphia (representing only 357 of the 1047 cases):

  • 82.4 percent of the victims were black
  • 9.2 percent of the victims were Amerindian
  • 4.7 percent of the victims were white

Only 34 percent of the nonfatal shootings had suspects, compared to 57 percent of the homicides. If each nonfatal shooting/homicide had a suspect (offender), how much of the percentage do you think would be nonwhite?

The “no snitching” culture runs deep in black/brown Philadelphia, keeping violent black/brown people on the streets to prey on the law-abiding and artificial keep down the already high black/brown crime rates as identified by yearly released Philadelphia Police Department Murder/Shooting Analysis.

Gun crime has a color. It isn’t white.