Off the Rails? Maxine Waters Doesn’t Even Believe in the Existence of Rails

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 9, 2017

Maxine is a fun person, I think.

I honestly can’t tell if this is all a big joke. I mean, I do believe that she genuinely hates Trump, but is she having fun with it?

I genuinely hate Jews for instance, but when I demand that Trump build the wall with Mexico out of ovens and gas chambers, I am having a laugh.

Is that what she is doing, something similar to that?

The Hill:

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has decided to take “the gloves off” to encourage others to see President Trump’s the way she does, the House Democrat said in a New York Times profile published on Friday.

“Trump was just so outrageous, so disrespectful, such a bully and dangerous for this country, I decided, ‘You know what? I’m taking the gloves off and I’m going to step out,’” Waters told the Times, explaining her bombastic rhetoric toward the president.

“I was going to not only challenge him but encourage others to see him for what he is: basically a bully, an egotistical maniac, a liar and someone who did not need to be president,” she continued.

Waters has proven to be one of the most vocal critics of Trump during his presidency, and has called for his impeachment.“We don’t have to be afraid to use the word impeachment,” Waters said in May, adding: “All we have to do is make sure we are talking to the American public, we are keeping them involved, we are challenging every day, we are resisting every day.”

Of course, it’s more likely she’s just a stupid black person and actually is this outraged.

But did you see the “exile” tweets?

Whether she is joking or not, I think she is certainly evidence that it is highly irresponsible for developed white nations to allow evolutionary throwbacks to serve in high office – even if they are allowing it only because they think it is a funny joke.