Official Alt-Right Clothing Retailer H&M Doubles-Down on Nigger-Hate, Putting “Allah” on Socks!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 29, 2018

The MASTER RACE clothing company H&M doesn’t care about bad publicity.

The only thing they care about is inciting a race war by purposefully publicly humiliating the inferior races.

First it was jungle monkey niglet.

Now it’s the Allah socks.


Swedish clothing giant H&M was forced to remove a range of children’s socks from its stores after receiving complaints that part of a design featuring a Lego man with a jackhammer allegedly resembled Arabic script for “Allah.”

A pair of socks caused a stir after several customers complained the print featuring a Lego figure resembled the Arabic word for “Allah,” if viewed upside down, Swedish media reports.

The pattern in fact depicts a Lego figure with a jackhammer, apparently conducting road maintenance. The retailer insists it was “entirely a coincidence” and not a hidden message, according to a statement cited by Dagens Nyheter. H&M nevertheless chose to “remove the products,” given the public reaction.



Like you could do this by accident!

H&M is the one company that sees what the future holds, and is moving to capitalize on it.

By becoming the official clothing brand of the Alt-Right, they are ensuring that they remain a viable brand among an increasingly polarized and racialized social paradigm.

All of their advertisement has always been geared toward whites.

All materials support the supremacy of the ARYAN MASTER RACE.

So their new strategy of gaining support from whites by openly mocking and humiliating brown people is not new, but simply an extension of their existing philosophy.

Because let’s be real: any picture of a beautiful white woman is effectively an insult to brown people who simply do not have it in them to look that good. Don’t have the genes.

H&M has the genes.

And the JEANS.