OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED: Bashar Assad Blessed by God

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
January 23, 2018

Syrian Army troops were doing a mine sweep and accidentally unearthed some ancient Byzantine artwork.


The Syrian army seized control of Akerbat in September 3, 2017. Combat engineers have been demining the territory, including rural and deserted parts of the country ever since. Only because the search for mines was so thorough was it possible to find the archeological discovery.


Speaking to Sputnik Arabic, Abdel Qader Farzat, the head of Hama Museums and Antiquities Department in Hama said that “valuable artefacts have been found outside Akerbat, which lies 85 kilometers east of Hama. When the first reports from the military arrived, a group of our experts traveled to the scene and determined that the mosaic dates back to the Byzantine epoch. It was created in the first half of the fifth century. The large-sized mosaic features birds and is covered with a 1.5-meter layer of earth.”

That’s a sign of the White God’s favor if ever there was one.

And the way that Assad’s troops treated the find is also a sign that we are supporting the right people.

Most sandpeople get super butthurt about finding the ruins of a better and greater civilization than theirs in the ground.

It’s a reminder of their inferiority and that’s why they blow it up when they get the chance.

The Taliban blew up ancient Buddha statues in Afghanistan

But the Alawites are not 100% Arab. They’re part of an older ethnic group that predates the Arab invasion.

There’s debate on what exactly they are, but I’ve always been convinced by the Phoenician argument.

In general, most Shiite groups are not Arab and Shiitism seems to be an implicit way of these conquered peoples to distance themselves from the Sunni arabs who in theory they share the same faith with.

The Iranians – who are mostly Persian – are a good example of this. So are Assad’s Alawites.

The civil war in Syria can best be understood as a race war between the Alawites and the Sunnis. See, Assad was able to keep the peace by being friends with the richer, more educated city Sunnis in Damascus and Homs – an arrangement started by his father, who seized control in a military coup decades ago.

These guys rebelled against Assad’s father more than thirty years ago. They were working with the Muslim Brotherhood then, and Papa Assad put them down. Assad jr. thought he had the situation under control.

But hubris comes before the fall.

Supported by the gulf Sunnis and with volunteers from all over the Sunni world flooding in, the Assad family was betrayed by the Syrian Sunni community again.

Which is why I didn’t give a shit about the barrel bombs Assad started dropping on their heads. They deserved it.

It is my sincere hope now that Assad clearly has God’s blessing that he genocides every single Sunni in the country.