Daily Stormer
April 3, 2014

Can you imagine anything more racist than sitting or standing next to someone of your own racial group?
From Phy.org:
English-speaking white people are more likely to ‘self-segregate’ or ‘stick together’, new research has found.
The study, in collaboration with Deakin University, explored the role of public spaces in promoting understanding and contact between different racial groups through short-term observation in three localities.
A total of 974 people were observed, with most occurring in sports settings (40.7 per cent), shopping centres (24.9 per cent) and libraries. It was found that public spaces within Australian communities encouraged social dynamics that reinforced racial segregation and isolation of racial minority groups.
The majority and minority groups were researcher-assigned through observation of physical appearance such as skin colour, clothing items such as a hijab or turban and language use or linguistic cues.
Lead researcher Dr Naomi Priest from the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health said the study had some interesting findings about group interactions.
“Those from the English-speaking white majority group tended to interact predominately with other majority group members, and were more likely to ‘self-segregate’ in public spaces than those from minority groups,” Dr Priest said.