Oh So Now Valium is Getting Blamed for This Shooting – Wat?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 5, 2017

Generally, mass shooters – even some of the Islamic ones – are on Prozac or some other form of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI). These very popular “anti-depressants” – which are given out like candy by kike psychiatrists – lead directly to psychotic behavior in like, at least 1% of the people who take them. Not usually murderous psychosis, but you know – some form of psychosis, which can in some cases become murderous and/or suicidal.

Virtually every famous non-Islamic mass shooter was on these, from Columbine onward. Adam Lanza was on a cocktail of SSRIs and other serotonin-active drugs.

But this never gets talked about, because the serotonin industry is big money.

Now, all of the sudden, we are talking about Valium for some reason.

Very strange, because Valium is not connected to any form of psychotic behavior. It is addictive and so on, blah blah blah, not totally and completely safe, but it doesn’t mess with your serotonin system and lead you into psychosis any more than marijuana or alcohol does that.

Fox News:

A report alleges that Stephen Paddock, the gunman who opened fire on a packed country music concert in Las Vegas on Sunday, was prescribed an anti-anxiety medication in the months leading up to his attack. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Paddock was prescribed 50, 10-milligram diazepam tablets, and was instructed to take one pill daily, although it is not clear if he had been taking them regularly.

Ten milligrams is precisely nothing.

People who take this regularly take doses in the 3 digit milligrams per day. They give people Xanex which is much stronger in even higher doses. They tell people like “just take these whenever lol just don’t get too drunk.”

Other countries have much higher doses available over the counter.

The drug, marketed as Valium, is part of a class of medication known as anxiolytic and sedative, which are commonly referred to as benzodiazepines, Scott Dehorty, LCSW-C, executive director at Maryland House Detox, Delphi Behavioral Health, told Fox News by email. Citing the Nevada Prescription Monitoring Program, the Las Vegas Review-Journal identified Dr. Steven Winkler as the prescribing physician, but he was not made available for comment.


Dehorty said diazepam can be used to treat a range of symptoms, including anxiety disorders, muscle spasms and alcohol withdrawal-related seizures. He said the specific use of the medication is dependent on the doses administered.


When administered correctly, diazepam works to enhance the effects of GABA, a neurotransmitter found in the neurons of the cortex in the brain that helps to reduce stress and anxiety. GABA also contributes to motor control, vision and other cortical functions.


Dehorty described diazepam as a “highly addictive medication, which can have paradoxical effects.” He cautioned that continued use of the medication could cause patients to suffer from symptoms they initially sought relief from. Additional side effects may include confusion, dependence, drowsiness, weakness, insomnia, anxiety and headaches.

“It is also very dangerous to discontinue using benzodiazepines without consulting a physician,” Dehorty said. “The discontinuation effects can be fatal.”

That is all basically bullshit. Except the GABA part, which you can read more about and see if you think a GABA enhancement is going to make you murder a bunch of random white people at a country music concert.

Ten milligrams of Valium is not going to do anything to anyone, other than maybe an infant, who might become tired from it.

This is some kind of weird, stupid excuse they are coming out with for why they don’t have any explanation yet as to why in the fuck this guy just committed the biggest mass shooting in American history against a specifically white target.

Because I can tell you think: the reason is not Valium.

People have been taking this shit since the 50s and never once in my life have I heard of it being blamed for a single act of violence, let alone a homicide, let alone random homicide, let alone a mass shooting. The only thing people use them for is suicide, you can mix a bottle with alcohol and die, which is the only reason they are prescription only in most Western countries.

What it has been blamed for is a bunch of soulless boomer women taking it and neglecting their children, which probably happened to you.

The Rolling Stones wrote a song about it.

That is a genuine reason your life is so fucked up and your parents are divorced and your mother didn’t give a single fuck about you.

But it isn’t a reason for a mass shooting.

This is a hoax.