Ohio: Disgusting Fat Slob Trying to Jew-Over Glorious Leader!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 16, 2016


Hey Matt hold still – there’s a python wrapped around your neck!

All of these people are betting on Trump losing.

If he wins, they’re all getting purged.

I think they should all be rounded-up and put in concentration camps.

USA Today:

On Saturday, Trump Ohio director Bob Paduchik criticized Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges for not supporting Trump’s presidential bid and running a “self-promotional media tour” across the state, according to a letter sent to the party’s 66-member governing body. The criticism comes after Borges told The Enquirer he wasn’t sure if he would vote for Trump on Nov. 8.

“I have no idea what game he was playing,” Paduchik wrote. “Some Ohio Republicans have described it as disgraceful, I find it utterly bizarre.”

“If Chairman Borges refuses to continue meeting that obligation, I respectfully ask the committee to direct the chairman to meet the party’s obligations,” Paduchik wrote. Asked for additional comment, Trump Ohio campaign spokesman Seth Unger said the letter from Paduchik spoke for itself.

Saturday afternoon, in response to the letter, Borges sent central committee members a list of 10 things the Ohio Republican Party had done for the Trump campaign, including offering to endorse Trump at the group’s September meeting and handling all the campaign’s human resources.

“I speak and meet with Bob Paduchik and Trump team members regularly,” Borges wrote. “Interestingly, none of Bob’s concerns were voiced until he shared them publicly today.”

Borges, along with many Ohio Republican leaders, was a strong supporter of Gov. John Kasich’s failed presidential bid. Kasich helped Borges win the chairman job in 2012, and the Ohio Republican Party endorsed Kasich for president over Trump in the March primary despite some protests.


The worst traitor in the history of the United States.

Still, Borges has worked to help Trump’s disorganized campaign in Ohio. He even helped facilitate Paduchik’s hire as campaign director. Paduchik ran George W. Bush’s successful presidential bids in 2000 and 2004 and Sen. Rob Portman’s successful 2010 bid for U.S. Senate. The hire was seen as one way to unify the state party and Trump campaign.

But that didn’t pan out.

Paduchik sent the letter after speaking with Trump on Thursday, when the GOP nominee was campaigning in Columbus and Cincinnati. Trump told Paduchik he was “very disappointed in Matt’s duplicity,” according to the letter.

“This is why people have lost faith in the establishment and party leaders,” Trump told Paduchik.

Some Republicans agreed. Borges was hired for one job: Elect Republicans. Trump is the Republican candidate, so Borges should help elect him, said Ann Becker, president of the Cincinnati Tea Party, who represents Butler County on the central committee.

“I think any Republican who doesn’t encourage other Republicans to support Donald Trump by omission is supporting Hillary Clinton,” Becker said.

But others condemned the Trump campaign’s attack on Borges. A hashtag on Twitter, #ImWithMatt, included multiple endorsements of the job Borges has done in Ohio.


“This has been a difficult and challenging election cycle, unlike any I’ve ever seen, and Matt has handled it perfectly,” Jim Simon, a central committee member from Summit County, through an Ohio GOP spokeswoman. “Drawing fire away from our candidates and officeholders is the chairman’s job, which is something I’m sure Bob doesn’t understand.”

Hamilton County GOP Chairman Alex Triantafilou didn’t want to get between Borges and Paduchik — two men he says he admires. Triantafilou supports Trump for president and said he would work to urge cooperation between the two groups.

Committee member Mary Ann Christie, a former Madeira mayor, had some advice for the chairman.

“I like Matt Borges, and I support him. He’s a good chairman. Just stay quiet on this whole issue, and if you’re asked: Trump’s actions are indefensible in many ways,” she said.

Absolutely sickening.

These people are just openly #ImWithHer.

Because Trump allegedly grabs pussy.


The fake nature of this entire political system is laid bare.