Ohio Fifth-Grader Suspended for Forming His Hand Into a “Level 2 Lookalike Gun”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

March 5, 2014

There is nothing more natural than young boys playing with guns.  The Marxists seek to destroy nature.
There is nothing more natural than young boys playing with guns. The Marxists seek to destroy nature.

Even as we continue to encourage degenerate “freedom” in the form of anal sex with men, allowing black men to have sex with White women and turning the whole society into a gigantic porno-fest, we are having stripped from us all of the normal forms of human expression, along with our basic dignity.

Boys are being told they are not allowed to be boys.

From the Christian Science Monitor:

The suspension last week of an Ohio fifth-grader who formed his hand into the shape of a gun and pointed his finger “execution-style” at a classmate is fueling the debate over whether school administrators under pressure to keep schools safe are punishing students excessively for imaginative play.

Officials at Devonshire Alternative Elementary School defended their decision to suspend 10-year-old Nathan Entingh, whose hand they designated as a “level 2 lookalike gun.” Gun play at the school had become a problem, they said, and students and parents had been warned against it.

But the three-day suspension is already fodder for a movement in several state legislatures that seeks to force school officials to let up on what many parents and educators see as the overzealous prosecution of “zero tolerance” policies that bypass common sense and hurt children by punishing healthy imaginations and play.

Since the 1994 Gun-Free Schools Act mandated “zero tolerance” for students bringing guns to school, school officials have expanded that basic notion to include gun play with toy guns, food shaped into guns, and, now, in Ohio, even hand gestures. Recent school shootings, including the Sandy Hook massacre in December 2012, have ratcheted up tensions – and principals’ sensitivities.

Playing war is a fundamental part of natural male human development.  I did it, and you did to, and our parents never would have suspected there was anything wrong with our obsession with mock violence – along with real violence, in the form of sports and – oh my god – fist fights.

Girls play with dolls and imitate motherhood and homemaking, while boys play with guns and building blocks and imitate war and construction.

Kittens also play violently as a part of their developmental process.  Do the Marxists wish to punish them for this as well?
Kittens also play violently as a part of their developmental process. Do the Marxists wish to punish them for this as well?

All developing mammals demonstrate play as a form of mimicking adult behavior, but we can look at chimps to see the gender roles.

Daily Mail:

Girls play with dolls because they’re programmed to, not because of any sexual stereotyping, new research suggests.

Young chimps in the wild play play boy and girl games, much like their human counterparts, scientists found.

Although both male and female chimpanzees play with sticks, girl chimps treat sticks like dolls copying their mothers as they care for infants.

The findings suggest girls play more with dolls than boys not because of sex-stereotyped socialization but because of ‘biological predilections.’

Richard Wrangham of Harvard University said: ‘This is the first evidence of an animal species in the wild in which object play differs between males and females.’

Earlier studies of captive monkeys had also suggested a biological influence on toy choice.

When juvenile monkeys are offered sex-stereotyped human toys, females gravitate toward dolls, whereas males are more apt to play with ‘boys’ toys’ such as trucks.

Marxism has the express purpose of destroying the natural order, completely; it can best be defined as a war against nature.

Serbian boy playing with a gun in Kosovo, Serbia.
Serbian boy playing with a gun in Kosovo, Serbia.  Notice the girl is imitating an adult pose.  Childhood is about learning to become an adult, and part of being an adult male is possessing – and of course managing – aggression.

Telling boys they cannot express their violent nature is a way to homosexualize the youth of this country.  Violence is absolutely a part of masculinity, and when it is removed, you remove a part of the boy’s identity.  When that part of the natural identity is removed, the state then can impose a new identity, such as that of homosexualism.