Ohio: Gentleman of Color Gets 27 Years for Raping and Impregnating Three Teenage Sisters

Well, this is sad.

Sad and unexpected.

It looks as though a woman from Ohio allowed a colorful gentleman into her house, and the gentleman – I can’t believe what I’m about to write – raped and impregnated her three young daughters.

The Independent:

A man convicted of impregnating 14-year-old twins and their 12-year-old sister has been sentenced to 27 years in prison for rape and sexual battery.

Arnold Perry, the 34-year-old Ohio man convicted of the crime, abused the trust of the girls’ family, assistant Mahoning County Prosecutor Jennifer McLaughlin, said. The mother, she said, had allowed Perry to move into their home when he had nowhere else to go, according to the Youngstown Vindicator.

The rapes and following pregnancies occurred in 2015 and 2016, according to the prosecution. One of the sisters was able to get an abortion, while the other two girls carried their pregnancies to term because the pregnancy was discovered too late for a procedure.

Ms McLaughlin says that Perry had committed similar crimes when he was a juvenile.

“These girls will suffer the rest of their lives because of this,” Ms McLaughlin said.

Perry pleaded guilty on two counts of rape and one count of sexual battery in November. A 25-year sentence was included in his plea deal.

It’s unfortunate that the girls were traumatized for life, but here’s the thing: if a homeless black man hadn’t raped them, then a white neurosurgeon would have done so instead.

In a way, the black man made the ultimate sacrifice: he raped the girls and went to prison for it so that an educated white professional who saves lives wouldn’t have to.

Quite heroic, really.