Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
March 18, 2014
An Ohio study has found that open enrollment, which allows children to transfer to different schools, has created a natural separation of races in most of the state’s urban school districts.

The Beacon Journal study of more than 8,000 students who transferred schools last year found that ‘White flight’ even happens in the schools and playgrounds as well.
The majority of transferred students were White, and the schools they left behind were twice as likely to be non-White.
Anti-Whites claim to love democracy and freedom of association, but when those rights are used to stop White genocide, they want a sort of Stalinist dictatorship to get their way.
In fact, democracy literally translates as ‘rule by the people’. If given a straight and honest vote on immigration and making places “more diverse, and less White”, the majority of people would vote “No”.
When given rights such as freedom of association, we see how it plays out: White students stay in majority White schools, Black students stay in majority Black schools.
That was the whole point of forced busing in the 1960′s – it was to strip White students of their right to freedom of association.
Anti-Whites always position themselves as the good guys, but don’t fall for it: there are no “anti-racists” if Africa telling Black people they are “too Black”. There are no “anti-racist in Asia telling Asian people they must have open borders and stop patrolling their borders.
“Anti-racists”, as they call themselves, ONLY exist in White countries, because that’s the whole point. They are working towards a world without any White people in it, and if entire cities in America or Europe have been made minority White – it’s hard to ignore what they really are – anti-White.