Oklahoma Jew Solicits Murder of Israeli Husband for $4,000 on Craigslist

Daily Stormer
July 5, 2017

Honestly, having a hit put on you is probably the best-case scenario when marrying a Jewess.

Is it wrong for a Jewess to hire someone from Craigslist to kill her ex-husband so that he can’t get visitation rights for their children?

Of course not, you filthy antisemite!

Don’t you know about the holocaust?

So don’t start moralizing until six million husbands are murdered – in wooden gas ovens.


An Israeli woman living in Oklahoma allegedly offered to pay $4,000 to have her ex-husband in Israel killed.

$4000? What do you need $3000 for?

Oh Jews.

Pinching pennies to the last moment, aren’t we?

Danielle Dana Layman of Ponca City, Oklahoma, posted the job for a “discrete” actor on Craigslist, calling it a “10 day gig overseas for amateur, competitive pay!” The job requirements listed also included a “creative, outgoing and friendly, positive personality” and “boldness and bravery,” the Oklahoman newspaper reported.

This dumb bitch just advertised an assassination gig on Craiglist.

Without even mentioning in the ad that assassination was involved in the job.

I wonder how the first guy responded when he was told the details? Hmmmm.

A person who responded to the ad in May called the FBI. She said Layman, using the name Samantha Dowry, offered $4,000 in cash, plus $1,000 for expenses, to poison her ex-husband, a taxi driver, and gave her a baggie of ricin to be used in the plot, the Oklahoman reported, citing a federal affidavit.

Even other Jews would be embarrassed at this level of retardation.

She asked a woman?


Did she think some random bitch was going to agree to go to Israel to poison some dude?

Layman was arrested at her home on Friday and was charged Saturday in Oklahoma City federal court with using the internet to solicit murder. She faces up to 10 years behind bars.

In 2014, while Layman was on a visit to Israel with her 13-year-old daughter, her ex-husband turned to a rabbinical court seeking visitation rights.

Well, Jews. This is what you get for foisting feminism on the goyim. Your Jewing is coming back to bite you in the ass!

Now your own unhinged women are divorcing you and paying random idiots to kill you over visitation rights.

We happen to have a solution to this problem: White Sharia.

Unfortunately for you, it’s only for the goyim. You can just keep having ricin put in your drinks by your ex-wives, for all we care.