Refugee Resettlement Watch
June 18, 2014

Just keep it up! “Refugee” will definitely be a very bad word when/if the Obama-generated crisis on the border is ever resolved.
Invasion of America continues….
Check out this story by Ryan Lovelace who has been writing some good stuff at National Review Online (hat tip: Paul). Emphasis is mine:
Oklahomans expect an economic boom as a result of the flood of illegal immigrant children the federal government has begun sending their way.
The Department of Defense has loaned the facilities at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, to the Department of Health and Human Services to house approximately 600 unaccompanied alien children, according to the Department of Defense. Local officials expect the surrounding community to reap the rewards.
“They’re talking about $1.2 million impact for the Lawton-Fort Sill community within the first 30 days,” Lawton Mayor Fred Fitch told KSWO 7 News.
Lawton will roll in federal tax dollars/federal workers and the “children” will all be good kids (as long as they are confined)!
The Oklahoman reports the ratio of federal worker to child at Ft. Sill will be one federal worker per every two children. Based on that ratio, the area could expect approximately 300 federal workers. An HHS factsheet indicates such workers would include representatives from the Office of Refugee Resettlement within HHS’ Administration for Children and Families. The kids will be kept in a 200,000 square foot building and kept under 24-hour supervision. Fitch insisted to KSWO that the children will not be allowed to leave the confines of the post and that the influx of children will not have any adverse impact on the local community.
See all of our posts on “unaccompanied alien minors” here. Some go back several years.