Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 5, 2016
It’s a great time to be an Arabian gang-rapist in Germany.
As Islamification intensifies, Germany is shutting down their society completely in order to deal with the effects of Islamification, all of which are negative and most of which are dangerous and threatening to humans.
And of course you get more sex attacks with more Arabs. White people don’t do sex attacks. I am not going to say a White man has never raped a woman – though it is extremely rare – but a gang of White men attacking and groping a woman is not something that I believe you would be able to find a single case in history of White men engaging in. It is just not a part of our culture, because it is not a part of our genetic code. .
The world’s most famed beer fest experienced its lowest turnout since the September 11th 2001 attacks, but at the same time had an increase in sex crimes reported.
About 5.6 million people visited Munich’s Oktoberfest – also known as Wiesn – which ended on Monday. This was a drop of 300,000 compared to the previous year and the lowest number of visitors since the September 11th 2001 attacks in the US. That year, 5.5 million people visited the beer fest.
Last year’s Oktoberfest also saw a decline in visitors, with a drop of 400,000 people from 2014 to 5.9 million.
For the first time in the fest’s more than 200-year history, organizers put in place entrance checks for everyone going into the festival grounds.
As the number of visitors dropped this year, so did the overall amount of crime, with a decrease of 15 percent compared to last year.
But there was a higher amount of sexual crimes: 31 were reported to police this year, compared to 21 in 2015.
Organizers said this was due to greater awareness on the part of authorities.
Still, the group “Safer Wiesn for Girls and Women” counted 215 women who came to a security checkpoint for help – up from 197 last year – and 18 of the women had experienced violence.
Yeah. And those aren’t included in the police count of 31, presumably because they were discouraged from reporting, due to the image Germany has to uphold.
The most ridiculous part about this situation is that no one is even arguing that it is going to get better. No one imagines that these Moslems are going to stop with the ficki ficki or stop with the Allah Akbar.
The plan is to get used to it.
You shouldn’t have gassed all those kikes, Germany.