Old Man Le Pen Charged $25,000 for “Denying” the Stupid Jew Gassing Hoax

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 6, 2016


tfw Jews everywhere controlling all your systems.

I wonder why no one uses one of these Holocaust denial cases to force the Jews to produce proof it happened?

Oh, right: because then they’ll just charge the lawyer and put her in prison.

Daily Mail:

Far-right French MEP Jean-Marie Le Pen was today fined £25,000 for Holocaust denial after describing the wartime genocide of Jews as a ‘detail of history’.

The founder of the National Front (FN) had claimed immunity from prosecution because of his status as a European Parliament member representing South-East France.

But judges sitting at the Paris Correctional Court rejected his defence, saying he was ‘guilty of questioning a crime against humanity’.

The conviction for gross anti-Semitism will increase tensions between the 87-year-old and his daughter, Marine Le Pen, who is the current leader of the FN.

She has desperately been trying to ‘modernise’ the party against accusations that members have Nazi sympathies.

Reigniting old tensions, Mr Le Pen appeared on live French TV a year ago and said: ‘What I said corresponds to what I think.

‘The gas chambers were a detail of the war, unless we admit that the war was a detail of the gas chambers!’

During the interview on the BFMTV channel in Paris, Mr Le Pen said ‘the truth’ should ‘not shock anyone’, and that historical reality should not be used to portray him as anti-Jewish.

‘This case was manipulated against me by introducing a hint of anti-Semitism,’ said Mr Le Pen. ‘I challenge anyone to name an anti-Semitic phrase in my political life.’

Repeatedly questioned about the Holocaust, Mr Le Pen said: ‘War is horrible, you know, a piece of shrapnel that tears your stomach, a bomb that decapitates you, a room in which you are asphyxiated, it’s all pretty disgusting, it’s true.’

See, he never even actually denied. Not this time.

They here set a new precedent, where saying that the “Holocaust” is not the most important thing which has ever happened is equivalent to “denial.”

I am so sick of these Jews.