Old Navy Under Troll Assault for Encouraging Whites to Breed with Monkeys

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 3, 2016

Old Navy has taken to demanding that the White race be destroyed through miscegenation. They are under a sustained attack on Twitter by Nazi trolls who take issue with this genocidal agenda.

Race-mixing perverts have responded by sending the company pictures of themselves engaging in bestiality.

Daily Mail:

Mixed-race couples across America have hit back at racists who unleashed a torrent of abuse at Old Navy for featuring an interracial family in one of their stories.

Couples from across the nation posted photos of their own mixed-race relationships and families using the LoveWins hashtag, after bigots accused Old Navy’s innocuous sales advertisement of being ‘mixed race propaganda’.

One man, who serves in the military, shared of a photo of himself and his wife in uniform and their young daughter writing, ‘From our families to yours. Thank you!’


A torrent of vile abuse had earlier been directed at the company for posting an ad of a happy interracial couple and their child to advertise an ongoing sale on its website.

‘Oh, happy day!’ Old Navy’s tweet reads. ‘Our #ThankYouEvent is finally here. Take 30% off your entire purchase.’

The ad shows the couple dressed in bright summer clothes, the child wrapped around his father’s shoulders.

Racist trolls immediately began accusing the brand of ‘race-mixing’ and miscegenation, an antiquated term used to define sexual relations or marriage between two people of different races.

‘Stop promoting miscegenation or else I’m taking my $$ elsewhere!’ wrote one user.

‘My family and I will never step into an @OldNavy store again,’ wrote another. This miscegenation junk is rammed down our throats from every direction.’

Anti-miscegenation laws were first introduced in the United States in the late seventeenth century. They were also utilized in Nazi Germany and South Africa as part of the apartheid system.

Another user compared Old Navy’s sale ad to ‘white genocide’.

‘Old Navy HATES white babies!’ they wrote. ‘It takes a White mother and a White father to make a White baby. Stop #WhiteGeocide (sic)’.

‘Absolutely disgusting,’ another Twitter user complained. ‘What’s next? Gender neutral bathrooms? Pedophilia acceptance propaganda?! Never shopping here again.’

A number of the Twitter users who spoke out against the tweet indicated on their Twitter bios that they were supporters of the ‘Alt-right’ movement and GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

But while Old Navy may have lost some customers with their ad, a number of others pledged that they would be running to scoop up the retailer’s clothes.

‘@OldNavy on some real s*** though im on my way to buy a bunch of your clothes just because racist white people mad,’ one user wrote.

‘Ain’t sported their s*** in forever, but now im down,’ one of the user’s friends replied. ‘Bout to be old navy on deck!’

This is something we cannot tolerate.

We must continue the assault – not simply on @OldNavy, but on these people supporting them.

Just check the #LoveWins hashtag, and send your thoughts to anyone pushing this evil Jew agenda on our society.

For example:

Just slam these people, see if you can flush out a couple LOLCOWs, then circle back and smash the ones who take the bait.

Also, use the #LoveWins hashtag to post pictures of interracial crime, particularly stories of White women being murdered by Black men.

We need to make these people understand that actions have consequences and we are not going to sit silently while clothing companies and slut women destroy our race.