Old School Chimpout: Pittsburgh Gud Boi Drive-By Shooter Mourned with Freeway Blockage

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 22, 2018

Now that there is one gud boi. Looks like he’s in a school in that picture. He was turning his life around.

The thing I’ve learned about gud bois is that they didn’t never ain’t not did nothing.

Nonetheless, white police murder them.

The only conclusion anyone can really come to is that there is a defect in the white biology that drives them to violently murder to death those with a certain tone of skin. They do it because of hatred, which exists for literally no reason.

What are these colored people – forgive, me, these people of color – to do?

Other than riot and block traffic?

They don’t have the institutional power needed to do anything else.

They have to take to the streets if they want justice.

New York Times:

The fatal shooting this week by an East Pittsburgh, Pa., police officer of an unarmed teenager who was attempting to flee prompted more protests on Thursday and calls for answers from law enforcement officials.

The teenager, Antwon Rose II, 17, was a passenger in a car that had been pulled over because it matched the description of a vehicle that had fled an earlier shooting in which a 22-year-old man was wounded, the Allegheny County Police Department said in a statement.

So he was involved in a drive-by shooting.

Does that mean he deserves to die?

No doubt he fled because he just assumed that the racist cops would just shoot him right there in the car.

A video that recorded the fatal shooting on Tuesday night and was posted on Facebook shows two people running from police vehicles as three shots are fired. One of the people, later identified as Antwon, appears to fall to the ground.

Killed dead just like that.

All he did was run from cops after a drive-by.

And let me just ask you something: have you ever in your life heard of a white teenager getting shot in the back by police who he was running from after doing a drive-by?

The authorities confirmed on Thursday that Antwon was struck three times but did not specify where.

“Why are they shooting?” the woman recording the video says. “All they did was run and they’re shooting at them!”

The Allegheny County Police Department, which is investigating the encounter, said that two firearms were found on the floor of the car. When asked if the 17-year-old was found with a weapon on him, Coleman McDonough, the department’s superintendent, said he was not.

See that.

He didn’t even have the gun he used for the drive-by.

He left it in the car.

And he still deserved to die? Simply because he is African American?

On Thursday, Mike Manko, a spokesman for the Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office, confirmed reports that Antwon, while unarmed, had an empty clip of a handgun in his pants pocket at the time he was shot.

Yeah and what’s he going to do with an empty clip?

Throw it at the cops?

Come on.

This is skin-hate, period.

No child deserve to die for fleeing the scene of an arrest after committing a drive-by shooting.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on Wednesday quoted Mayor Louis Payne of East Pittsburgh — a borough in Allegheny County — as saying that the officer who shot Antwon was hired in mid-May and had been formally sworn in hours before the shooting. Mr. Payne told Action News 4 on Thursday that he believed the shooting was the first time in at least 20 years that an East Pittsburgh officer had opened fire.

In a statements on Thursday, the authorities identified the East Pittsburgh officer who fired as Michael H. Rosfeld.

So wait is he Jewish?

That would certainly complicated things. He could have shot because he was having flashbacks of the Holocaust.

He doesn’t look Jewish though.

On Wednesday evening, dozens of people gathered outside the East Pittsburgh Police Department to protest the black teenager’s death. “No justice, no peace!” they chanted. Some carried signs that said, “Justice4Antwon” and “#BlackLivesMatter.” Then on Thursday, hundreds of people rallied outside of the Allegheny County Courthouse; later Thursday evening, protesters poured onto Interstate 376, blocking it.

Those who knew Antwon described him as bright, lively and funny. He was a senior at Woodland Hills High School who was expected to graduate at the end of the year, the superintendent, Al Johnson, said in an interview on Wednesday.

“He was an excellent student,” Mr. Johnson said, adding that Antwon was taking Advanced Placement classes.


Gud boi, going to school.

Who doesn’t get caught up in a drive-by in their youth?

The traffic stop on Tuesday that led to the deadly shooting occurred after multiple 911 calls earlier in the night reported a shooting in North Braddock, Pa., that had wounded a 22-year-old man in the abdomen, the police said. He was treated at a trauma center and later released.

Investigators said a gunman in a passing vehicle had fired nine .40-caliber rounds at the 22-year-old, who returned fire.

The 911 callers described a vehicle they saw fleeing the scene, the police said, and Officer Rosfeld saw a similar vehicle — a silver Chevrolet Cruze that appeared to have ballistics damage to its rear window.

“I’m very confident that that was the vehicle involved in the shooting,” Superintendent McDonough said.

Officer Rosfeld stopped the car at 8:40 p.m. and took the driver into custody, the authorities said.

“While he was putting the driver into handcuffs, two other occupants ran from the car,” the Allegheny County police said. Officer Rosfeld started shooting, striking the 17-year-old, department officials said.

The 17-year-old was taken to U.P.M.C. McKeesport hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 9:19 p.m., Superintendent McDonough said.

Officer Rosfeld has been placed on administrative leave, officials added.

In statement on Thursday, officials from the borough of East Pittsburgh said they were “profoundly saddened by the death of Antwon Rose” and offered sympathy and condolences to his family.

“We have confidence in the Allegheny County Police and District Attorney’s Office and we will be transparent with any and all information that they need during the investigation,” the statement said.

It’s just so sad.

A young black child can’t even do a drive-by shooting without getting murdered to death by racist cops in Donald Trump’s America.

It’s time to dump Drumpf, and bring back black African rule of America, so these kids can have justice once again.

Very Little Media Coverage

Other than the NYT, the national news is not touching the story of these black riots.

Obviously, the white controlled media doesn’t want the nation to know the blacks are standing up for themselves, by rioting and blocking traffic as they demand justice for this drive-by shooter.

They were doing the “hands up – don’t shoot” motion at the protests because maybe while Anton was fleeing from the car after committing the drive-by, he had his hands up and was begging the white police not to murder him.

Absolutely shameful.

How absolutely dare you?