Old White Woman Killed by Black Husband After 30 Years

Daily Stormer
April 5, 2018

You just can’t trust the blacks.


The family of a South City woman said she was hit repeatedly, kicked unconscious and left on the floor to die.

The woman is resting in a room at SLU Hospital, police said she suffered a severe brain bleed. Her sister tells News 4 doctors don’t expect her to see, speak or walk again. It’s only a matter of days, according to the woman’s sister, before Nancy Johnson’s family will see her one last time.

“There was no reason for something like this to happen to someone. She had been with this man 30 years. He said he loved her. He was so abusive to her and we did not know it until recently,” said Rudisill.

Paramedics called officers while rushing Johnson to the emergency room.

Rudisill says that it was actually friends of the couple that called for help after seeing Johnson.

“We were thinking, maybe, whatever conscience he had was getting to him,” added Rudisill. “He had been packing his bags, had all of her jewelry and a sum of money put in the bag. He was getting ready to bolt. He told paramedics she fell out of bed.”