Daily Stormer
August 7, 2014

Apparently, the University of Mississippi calling itself “Ole Miss” is considered by a few whiny Blacks to be racist and derogatory. I have not found any information explaining what exactly this even means.
The only thing I can figure is that they are complaining because that is a name that goes back to before the school allowed Blacks to attend. But if we are not allowed to use words that were used before Blacks had their “rights,” we will have to abolish the entire English languages.
Anyway, I’m glad to see the school will be toning down the race hate. Because the purpose of the White race is to comfort the child-like emotions of Blacks.
“UM’s longstanding nickname is beloved by the vast majority of its students and alumni,” says a statement from Ole Miss. “But a few, especially some university faculty, are uncomfortable with it. Some don’t want it used at all and some simply don’t want it used within the academic context.”
The university says it conducted a national study during the last year and found that the “vast majority of respondents don’t attach any meaning to it [Ole Miss] other than an affectionate name for the university” and “a significant margin likes and prefers the ‘Ole Miss’ name.” Despite “a very small percentage” of respondents who said they associate “Ole Miss” or “University of Mississippi,” with negative race issues, the school has decided to use the nickname sparingly as a representation of school spirit and in athletic circumstances going forward.
Dan Jones, Ole Miss’ chancellor, told The Daily Mississippian a new chief diversity officer would work with the provost to offer guidance to UM Communications about its usage of the school’s nickname. Jones also mentioned the statue of James Meredith, the first black student to enroll at the school, when talking about the university’s new comprehensive action plan to increase diversity and inclusion. Earlier this year, a fraternity at Ole Miss reportedly closed after three members were accused of tying a noose around the neck of the Meredith statue.
Emma Jennings, a student at Ole Miss, told The Daily Mississippian she wrote an open letter to Jones questioning the university’s plan as a response to the Meredith statue incident. As a result, she said she has been called racist. “Does changing our email address URL from “olemiss.edu” to “umiss.edu,” promote diversity?” Jennings wrote in the letter. “Or does it suggest that we are a school that is ashamed of itself and ashamed of its past? While the University of Mississippi has a history that we may not be proud of as modern Americans, the best approach is not to do what we can to erase the past.”