Omen of Kek: Bill Clinton’s Gigantic Dyke Janet Reno Dies 24 Hours Before Polls Open!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 7, 2016


Great news, everyone!

Hours before the polls open, the gigantic dyke responsible for the Waco massacre and other nightmarish events under Hillary Clinton’s husband Bill the Rapist has died!

Talk about a good omen!

Fox News:

Janet Reno, the first woman to serve as U.S. attorney general and the epicenter of several political storms during the Clinton administration, has died. She was 78.

Reno died early Monday from complications of Parkinson’s disease, her goddaughter Gabrielle D’Alemberte said. D’Alemberte said Reno spent her final days at home in Miami surrounded by family and friends.

Reno, a former Miami prosecutor who famously told reporters “I don’t do spin,” served nearly eight years as attorney general under President Bill Clinton, the longest stint in a century.

One of the administration’s most recognizable and polarizing figures, Reno faced criticism early in her tenure for the deadly raid on the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas, where sect leader David Koresh and some 80 followers perished.

She was known for deliberating slowly, publicly and in a typically blunt manner. Reno frequently told the public “the buck stops with me,” borrowing the mantra from President Harry S. Truman.

After Waco, Reno figured into some of the controversies and scandals that marked the Clinton administration, including Whitewater, Filegate, bungling at the FBI laboratory, Monica Lewinsky, alleged Chinese nuclear spying and questionable campaign financing in the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election.

In the spring of 2000, Reno enraged her hometown’s Cuban-American community when she authorized the armed seizure of 5-year-old Elian. The boy was taken from the Little Havana home of his Miami relatives so he could be returned to his father in Cuba.

That was funny when she arrested Elian!


I remember that greasy spic baby getting ripped out of the closet like it was yesterday!


Anyway, this January you’re going to see closet babies screaming by the MILLIONS.

What you won’t see is innocent American babies getting firedbombed because of their religious beliefs.


David Koresh can finally rest in peace now that this evil dyke bitch is dead.




This death, coming 24 HOURS before the election, will hopefully jog a few boomer and x-er minds, remind them of just what evil people the Clintons are.


Here’s a classic documentary on how this sick bitch massacred all those babies in Waco.

Hillary Clinton will be the Janet Reno of Presidents.

Except no she won’t.


Note that this is especially symbolic/prophetic after Trump’s attempted assassination was in RENO, Nevada.

Kek says “you try to kill my avatar in Reno, I’ll kill your Reno!”


The magic could not be more real.
