On Eve of Jew Election, Beto Calls Bibi a Racist

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 9, 2019

Beto has a whole lot of Jewish donors. He’s even been on a trip to Israel with his Jew-backers.

But apparently, his Jews aren’t the kind of Jews that support Bibi Netanyahu.

The Hill:

Former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D), in an apparent reference to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said Sunday that the relationship between the U.S. and Israel must transcend “a prime minister who is racist.”

Asked in Iowa City Sunday if his criticism of Netanyahu risked alienating supporters of Israel, O’Rourke drew a distinction between support for Israel and support for Netanyahu.

“The US-Israel relationship is one of the most important relationships that we have on the planet, and that relationship, if it is successful, must transcend partisanship in the United States, and it must be able to transcend a prime minister who is racist, as he warns against Arabs coming to the polls, who wants to defy any prospect for peace as he threatens to annex the West Bank, and who has sided with a far-right racist party in order to maintain his hold on power,” O’Rourke said, referring to Netanyahu seeking to form a coalition with the Otzma Yehudit party.

Netanyahu, O’Rourke said, does not represent either the best interests of the U.S.-Israel relationship or a path to peace in the region.

“We must be able to transcend his current leadership to make sure that the alliance is strong, that we continue to push for and settle for nothing less than a two-state solution, because that is the best opportunity for peace for the people of Israel and the people of Palestine,” O’Rourke said.

This was of course the Obama position.

Beto is a completely manufactured candidate. Like a boy band is manufactured. All of their songs written for them and so on. Beto isn’t writing any of his own positions, those are all written by Jews.

Yes, there are a lot of American Jews that are against the hardline Israeli military positions. But probably not most of them.

If Beto does manage to kickflip his way into the nomination – which is unlikely but possible – then you’re going to see a lot of Jews line up behind Donald Trump. His “Jews are fleeing to the Republican Party” meme will become true.

The reason Trump got the lowest Jew vote of any president in history wasn’t simply that he was running a pro-white candidacy. That was a big part of it. But it was also because Hillary was effectively more Zionist than he was. She was the one calling for war against Russia to protect ISIS from Assad. She was openly attacking Obama for not doing enough for Jews.

All presidents are war presidents now, but the Jews generally want the most warlike president, and in a Beto vs Trump election, Trump would win that.

Conversely, Biden or Kamala would beat Trump on that front.

This is an interesting dynamic.

We shall see how it plays out.