On Holocaust Day, Trump Ate Tacos

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 7, 2016

I completely forgot to wish you all a happy Holocaust Day on Thursday.

I have it marked this week that I need to call up my mother on Sunday and thank her for giving birth to me. That’s auto-filled by my phone’s calender. But there’s no note to somberly remember that trillions of Jews got gassed by Whites, even though that fact is much more important than the fact that my mother gave birth to me.

Maybe Apple is anti-Semitic?

maxresde   fault

What’s more, both JFK’s birthday and Memorial Day are auto-marked on the iCalender. So we can remember JFK getting his head blown off and some stupid goyim who died in wars to save the Jews, but we can’t remember the gassed sixty trillion.

smdh Apple.

I’m surprised the ADL hasn’t caught this.

As it were, me and my iPhone weren’t the only ones that forgot the memory of the lampshaded trillions – so did White Supremacist leader Donald Trump.

As Politicus USA notes, on Holocaust Day, the evil Donald ate tacos joyously, feeling no sadness at the gassings of these trillions.

On Holocaust Remembrance Day Trump Ignored Calls to Repudiate Anti-Semitism 20 4

These tacos were big, big news.

Our friend Ashley Feinberg of Gawker felt it necessary to drop an f-bomb in her headline about these tacos, so important were they – so seriously overshadowing the gassed trillions.

Trump’s Taco Tweet Was on Every Fucking Channel Last Night 2016- 45

“Never forget” means nothing to this Donald. If he saw a Jew being gassed, he would simply eat tacos right in the face of that Jew.

As Laura Epstein reminded us in HuffPo, in Trump gets elected, there will be a second Holocaust.


Because Donald Trump is the kinda guy who will gas you in a death chamber and then tweet about it, loling.