On National Socialism

Oscar Turner
Aryan Legacy
June 11, 2014


“If the day should ever come when we must go, if some day we are compelled to leave the scene of history, we will slam the door so hard that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction” -Joesph Goebbels

Ever since the end of the second world war, we’ve seen the decay of our once orderly and civilized nations. The victors of the war not only instilled fallacious notions about The Third Reich and the Axis powers into the consciousness of our people, but also indoctrinated our people with feelings of racial guilt and made a sense of solidarity equivalent to psychopathology. The Third Reich was an attempt to bring order to the world though its National Socialist program, with its racial hygiene and eugenics polices, technological and scientific revolutions, incredible weaponry, and disciplined armed forces. The order of National Socialism brought about the greatest era of the 20th century, and showed the potential of European kind when cohesive and organized.

Adolf Hitler vehemently opposed Communism, Cultural Marxism, and Psychoanalysis, through National Socialism he rejuvenated Germany from the inimical and predominantly Jewish Weimar Republic in which Jews were over represented in theater, arts, philosophy, and other influential institutions. Hitler was an exceptional leader who fought wholeheartedly for the freedom of his people and his fatherland. Although The Third Reich only lasted 12 years we can still use their program as a template to shape a new worldview to advance the interests of our people.

The National Socialists were carriers of the eternal legacy of our people, a legacy that has been on the earth for more than thousands of years. The urge to create, innovate, progress, and aim toward higher civilization has manifested itself through our people. During the Third Reich this urge could be seen through through the National Socialists’ eugenics programs, educational institutions, their arts and entertainment, and their Weltanschauung. Indeed it is quite unfortunate that such a magnificent order created by the courageous Germans who fought for their sovereignty were defeated by the Allied powers in 1945.

The main stream media demonize Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist regime because Hitler fought with all his will against the destruction of his people. Such courage and honor doesn’t conform to the politically correct tyranny of the plutocratic, pluralistic and alien establishment. Our people have been indoctrinated through chronic brainwashing, the main stream media and establishment tell us that Hitler was a pathological, genocidal maniac. However they won’t show the National Socialist perspective and reasons for Anti-Jewish attitudes in the Third Reich.

Before the National Socialists came to power in 1933, the Jews would use the power they wielded to weaken the integrity of the Germans while they remained highly ethnocentric and cohesive. An institution they used to weaken the Germans was the Frankfurt school, which was founded in the Weimar republic by the Jewish millionaire Felix Weil. The ideal society of the institution was one where Jewish ethnocentrism can continue while racial loyalty among white gentiles is categorized as psychopathology. However the fallacious notions of the Frankfurt School quickly came to a halt when the National Socialists came to power to defend the interests of their people, and a greater Germany.

When Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 seven million of his people were unemployed and in crushing poverty. However under rule of the National Socialists the usury system was eliminated, which saved the Germans from unaffordable debt. The economy was restored and prosperous. Environmental and wildlife preservation was a priority and policy. Health and fitness of Germany’s citizens,especially of the youth, was prioritized. A sense of national and racial solidarity was widespread. A cohesive and organized Germany created the successful Third Reich, and from this era in our people’s history we can learn what we’re capable of when there’s a sense of unity, and common purpose.

Through the National Socialists’ proper breeding and racial hygiene polices such as the Lebensborn program, they were paving the path toward higher man and civilization. The ultimate goal was for the best and brightest of our people to prosper and have as many children as possible, resulting in each generation becoming stronger, more intelligent, and cohesive as time goes on. We can observe the efforts of The Third Reich to advance our race and strive toward higher civilization, and create policies based on their ideals to create a healthy new society in the future once we have effectively organized and attend to the principles of Ethnocracy.

Another critical aspect of the National Socialist regime was the scientific and technological revolutions brought about by brilliant minds such as Wernher Von Braun, a rocket scientist who would later work under NASA, Nobel prize winner Werner Heisenberg, and Eugen Sänger, aerospace engineer, as well as member of the Waffen SS and NSDAP. Thanks to the work of Wernher Von Braun the United States of America won in the space race and what was once a cosmic dream was put into fruition. Under Hitler’s Germany thousands of chemists, physicists, and engineers were funded and accommodated with the most advanced laboratories in Europe at that time. In fact the Germans were technologically more advanced than the allied forces by at least ten years in research. Some inventions of The Third Reich include the Volkswagen, Autobahn, and innovations in film.

Under the Third Reich wholesome culture substituted the once depraved and atomized Germany under the Weimar Republic. The film director Leni Riefenstahl, and Minister of Propaganda Joeseph Goebbels produced films such as Triumph of the Will  and Olympia which show the unity and prosperity  under the National Socialist regime, and revolutionized film with new techniques. The press, arts, music, radio, and film imposed order and identity among the Germans, resulting in a strong and unified nation.

National Socialism was an enormous achievement, a cohesive effort of the courageous Germans to take back their land and culture. It’s unfortunate that such a greatness came to its downfall in 1945, but nevertheless Hitler’s disciplined army fought against overwhelming odds to bring order to the world. They brought about a revolution in government, racial hygiene, media, and technology which formed an orderly and united nation. The National Socialists had a beautiful program that we can learn a great deal from to create a functioning, cohesive, and orderly civilization for European kind.