Daily Stormer
October 13, 2014

Is there anything more vibrant than diversity?
Is there anything more enriching than vibrancy?
To Barack Obama, importing new Democrat voters is far more important than public safety. The Obama regime actively entices and facilitates the entry of illegal aliens from central America. Then Obama distributes them all over the country. They introduced the deadly polio-like Enterovirus D-68 virus into the USA.
The virus is most commonly associated with children in Honduras. It has now killed two American children.
21 month old Madeline Reid from Michigan, and four year old Eli Waller have both been killed by the virus.
Obama is actively facilitating the spread of new infectious diseases in the USA. This is of little concern to Obama. The purpose of these illegal aliens is to transform America by replacing the American people anyway. For ever American citizen who dies, thousands more illegal aliens are being allowed to enter, or even received and cared for at taxpayer expense.
The Obama regime is even receiving illegal aliens directly from drug cartels, as long as all the illegals alleged that they are 17 or under. This puts money in the pockets of the drug cartels and is a direct violation of US law, Mexican law, and treaties between the US and Mexico. The illegal aliens are then cared for by the Obama regime at extreme expense to the US taxpayers. The illegals have been transported all over the United States, despite having a multitude of contagious diseases that were not previously present in the USA.

Though the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) refuses to discuss the origin of the current outbreak of Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68), the fact that emergency rooms across the country began seeing infected children around the same time as the nation’s public schools were re-opening for the 2013-2014 school year, should serve as at least a clue as to how the virus made its way here.
Of course, the Obama administration has allowed tens of thousands of children to enter this country illegally over the past several months, and most of them have now been admitted to our public schools.
Between Oct. 1, 2013 and Aug. 31, 2014 there were 66,127 so-called “unaccompanied minors” entered this country along our Southern border and processed by officials, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
The CBP lists the country of origin for most of those children…
-El Salvador…15,800
While the evidence seems to point to the recent surge of illegal aliens as the cause of the EV-D68 outbreak, now there is proof…
A 2013 Defense Department study conducted in Central and South America on patients with flu-like illness, did identify EV-D68 in some of the test subjects. All 3,375 test subjects were age 25 or under.