One-Legged Black in a Wheelchair Wanted for Multiple Attacks on Women

Daily Stormer
March 6, 2014

Comin at yo, nigga.

A one-legged black in a wheelchair is being sought after multiple attacks on women. He uses his good leg to propel himself away at high speed after committing his crimes.

From KTVU:

A wheelchair-bound man is being sought on suspicion of multiple assaults on women recently near San Francisco General Hospital, sheriff’s officials said Tuesday.

The San Francisco Sheriff’s Department issued a crime alert Tuesday about the attacks, the most recent of which occurred at 22nd Street and Potrero Avenue, where a woman was punched in the lower torso by the suspect.

Authorities believe the same suspect is responsible for at least four other similar assaults in the past week, sheriff’s officials said.

The suspect is described as a black man between 40 and 50 years old who has a partially amputated right leg and uses his working leg to propel himself at a high rate of speed, according to the sheriff’s department.

The man has been treated for psychological services at the hospital and “can become assaultive at any time,” sheriff’s officials said in the crime alert.

Anyone who spots the suspect is asked to call the sheriff’s department’s patrol unit at (415) 206-4911.

The attacks have all taken place around the General Hospital and workers there say they have treated the Black and he has psychological problems.