One Million Cucked Losers Demand Brexit Do-Over

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 25, 2016


Independently minded women going out to protest in support of the international financial establishment.

Do you remember being a kid on the playground and playing games?

Remember there was always that whiny kid who would demand a “do-over” every time he lost?

I hated that little faggot.


The prospect of being outside of the European Union is too much for some of the 16 million UK residents who wanted their country to ‘remain’. They have set up a parliamentary petition calling for a second referendum, which crashed due to its popularity.

Despite being set up hours after the result, the petition quickly reached its goal of over 100,000 signatures and went far beyond it. This means that it must be debated in parliament within a year.

By Saturday noon the petition had been signed by one million Brits.

Traffic to the site was so intense that it crashed temporarily on Friday.

“The site was temporarily down due to exceptionally high volumes of simultaneous users on a single petition, significantly higher than on any previous occasion,” a House of Commons spokeswoman said.

The UK Government Digital Service resolved the problem and the petition is now accessible.

William Oliver Healey was the brainchild of the petition, stating “We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum.”

It’s pathetic.

brexit losers

Yall bitches already done got took.

You faggots lost.

Your master Soros lost.

THE PEOPLE have decided that they will not stand for the international globalist Jew agenda.

If you faggots like Moslems so much, go live in a Moslem country.


Pakistan is in desperate need of Social Justice Warriors to teach them all of these lessons about tolerance and human rights. Move there, you faggots.

I do not believe these whiners will be granted a do-over.

However, the globalist elite is extremely angry about the Brexit, and they’re going to do everything they can to punish Britain.