One of the Kenya Mall Suspects is a Norwegian Citizen

New York Times
October 18, 2013

Of course Norway gave him citizenship - why wouldn't they?
Of course Norway gave him citizenship – why wouldn’t they?  He’s just trying to make a better life for his family like all of the rest of us.

The trail in the investigation into the deadly attack on a Kenyan shopping mall leads all the way to Scandinavia, where the Norwegian police have identified a man who may have been among the assailants.

Investigators are questioning relatives and friends of Hassan Abdi Dhuhulow, a Norwegian citizen born in Somalia, to try to determine whether he was one of the four militants captured on surveillance footage inside the shopping mall, calmly killing shoppers on a Saturday afternoon last month.

His sister, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said in an interview that officers from the Norwegian security police had asked her whether her brother had placed calls from Nairobi, including from the Westgate shopping mall, during the siege. She said that he had not and that the family was unaware of any role he might have played in the attack.

“My mother and father and me, we don’t even know if he is dead or alive,” she said. “We are waiting for the whole issue to become clearer.”

A man with the same name as Mr. Dhuhulow was arrested in Somalia in connection with the murder of a radio journalist but was freed by a military tribunal for lack of evidence in March.

In 2009, Mr. Dhuhulow, 23, began going on what his sister called “long vacations” to Somalia. Contact with the family was sporadic and she could not remember whether she had last spoken to him last year or the year before. “My brother leads a different life than me,” she said.

The Norwegian Police Security Service said in a statement last week that it had received information that a Norwegian citizen of Somali origin may have been involved in “the planning and execution of the attack” in late September, when militants stormed the mall and killed more than 60 men, women and children. The Norwegians sent investigators to Nairobi to work with Kenyan security services on the investigation.

The Somali militant group the Shabab claimed responsibility. The Kenyan authorities initially said 10 to 15 assailants had been involved in the assault. Officials with knowledge of the investigation now say that the number was no more than six and may be as few as the four captured on the surveillance tapes.

Kenyan officials released four names, but none of them was Mr. Dhuhulow’s, and officials with knowledge of the investigation said later that they were believed to be noms de guerre and not birth names.

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