Online Porno Sluts Getting Kicked off Patreon for Their Whore Behavior

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
June 30, 2018

TFW the Patreon money stops flowing.

I just felt a great disturbance in these tubes, as if millions of vaginas cried out in terror, and were suddenly covered up modestly. I fear something #TradAF has happened.

That’s right – the Death Star of Jew finance has, for some inexplicable reason, decided to start going after online sluts.

Patreon has, for years now, been a refuge for filthy skanks squeezing e-Johns for money in exchange for worthless pictures of their bobs and vegane.

But this, euh, digital Alderaan is now under full fledged assault.

Patron used to be a home for broke sluts. No more.


Adult content creators on crowdfunding site Patreon are facing a sudden spate of suspensions, with many reporting “implied nudity” as the reason their pages are shut down.

Wednesday, Vex Ashley, a founder of the independent erotic film production collective Four Chambers, tweeted that their Patreon page was effectively shut down.

Yeah whatever don’t let the door hit you on the way out, whore!

“This is bigger than us & Patreon. It’s a world wide crack down on freedom of expression, on women, on marginalised people, on sex and sex work, on non conventional forms of labour that counter the status quo: the domination of corporations and patriarchy. On dissent,” Ashley wrote. “Just to be clear what is at stake, this is my whole income, my livelihood.”

Yeah, of course it is.

Because you’re a completely useless piece of shit whose only skill in life is manipulating men’s biological urges for money.

And now, you’re stuck accepting crypto-currencies as your only source of revenue – just like those evil neon-Nazis.

Yes, she has to ask someone for help with this. She can’t just Google it. That would be too close to actual productive work, which would go against her whore ethic.

“We have been ramping up the proactive review of content on Patreon due to requirements from our payment partners,” a Patreon spokesperson told me in an email. “Our community guidelines have not changed, and when we discover a page that is not in compliance with our guidelines we place that page in a state of suspension and work directly with the creator to bring them back within our guidelines. We have also doubled the size of our support team to ensure we get back to creators and give them 1-1 guidance as fast as humanly possible.”

According to a Patreon blog about creator fees, these partners include Stripe and PayPal (which has a history of refusing to serve sex workers), but the pressure to turn sex workers away comes from major banking networks.

Of course, the Jew bankers are behind this. Wait, What?

Since when do Jews in the (((finance industry))) try to stamp out pornography?

Jews LOVE porno. In fact, Jews own and operate pretty much all the pornography studios and major websites.


I guess that’s the reason. The porno Jews probably called up their cousins in banking like “Oy vey, these indy camwhores are really cutting into our porno profits! Shut it down, or we’ll have to stop making porn to brainwash the goyim!”

That’s pure speculation – but it kind of makes sense. Because the idea that Jews would crack down on pornography, of all things, for “moral” reasons is completely ludicrous. Moreover, all these major porn production companies are obviously not having their credit card processing services cancelled. So this is probably just some short-sighted strategy to cut out the goyim from the porn industry, protecting the Jewish monopoly.

Porn is the Jew’s first psychological weapon in the war against Western civilization, used to weaken and demoralize us, to give us tfw no gf. They presumably want to maintain control over it.

But boy, oh boy, did they kick up a hornet’s nest.

One of the Jew’s most irritating tactics against their enemies (i.e. us) is to deny them all forms of financing options through their total control over the financial industry. This, of course, is almost certainly illegal – or at least is in a legal gray zone.

The only reason these shady tactics aren’t being investigated, and the courts aren’t forcing them to discontinue them, is that neon-Nazis are the victims.

But now, there’s a new class of people who are being targeted for total ruin through denial of financial services: online sluts.

And that’s great news.

A chain of events was just started, which can only really end in two possible outcomes.

  1. Camwhoring is made impossible on the internet.
  2. Sluts and their beta orbiters bring this case up to the Supreme Court, which will have no choice but to rule that financial institutions can’t actually refuse giving their services to paying customers for supposed “moral reasons.”

Either way, we win.

But needless to say, #2 would be a much bigger win. It would suddenly enable the right to amass much greater amounts of money, and thus expand operations at an exponential rate.

These retard Jews should really have thought this through.