Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2016

So even most supporters of gun-grabbery don’t think the feds are honest.
Why on earth would they then want only them (and the Blacks) to have guns?
Are they brainwashed by Jews?
Supporters of additional gun control generally consider the National Rifle Association their biggest problem, but voter distrust of the federal government remains a big hurdle for them to clear.
Just 28% of American Adults trust the federal government to fairly enforce gun control laws. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 59% don’t trust the government when it comes to administering these laws. Thirteen percent (13%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
This marks little change from the first time Rasmussen Reports asked this question in September 2013.
But just one-in-three Americans (32%) now think stricter gun control laws will decrease violent crime, down eight points from 40% in the 2013 survey. Fifteen percent (15%) say tougher anti-gun laws will increase violent crime, while 47% say they will have no impact.
The majority of voters still don’t think laws regarding the ownership of guns should be the responsibility of the federal government anyway.
“The solution to you getting shot is to have no means of defending yourself” is such a completely nonsensical argument.
How is it still alive?