Daily Stormer
July 26, 2014

A recent CNN poll shows that only 33% of Americans want Obama impeached. Though the media is spinning it as “oh my Lord, what a high number,” the reality is that it is shockingly low, given the abuses that the Monkey King has engaged in.
According to a CNN/ORC International poll released Friday, 33 percent of Americans think the president should be impeached and removed from office, compared with 65 percent who say they don’t support impeachment. Fifty-seven percent of Republicans say they support impeaching Obama, compared with just 35 percent of independent voters and 13 percent of Democrats.
When asked about when Congress should attempt to impeach a president, 79 percent of Americans said it should be used only if there is evidence of a serious crime — such as treason or bribery. Eighteen percent said impeachment could appropriately be used to registered dissatisfaction with White House policies.
A plurality of Americans — 45 percent — believe Obama has gone too far in expanding his presidential powers. Thirty percent said the president has been about right in terms of presidential powers, while 22 percent he has not gone far enough.
Clearly, the Ape President not only deserves to be impeached, but put on trial for crimes against humanity. He has not only launched wars unceasing and supported the terrorist Jew state of Israel in its ongoing genocide program, but also done more than any figure in history to attempt to genocide the White race by flooding America with dangerous and invasive non-White savages.
Obongo is nothing less than the most successful terrorist in history. The idea that only a third of Americans want him to face justice is shocking and appalling.