The New Observer
January 8, 2016
Only 38 percent of all the nonwhite invaders who poured into Germany at Angela Merkel’s invitation in 2015 claimed to be from Syria—with most of the rest coming from Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea, and Pakistan, official final figures have revealed.
The statistics, released by German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière, said that nearly 1.1 million invaders had been registered in Germany, and of that number, only 428,500 claimed to be from Syria.
Of course, the vast numbers of forged and fake Syrian passports and documentation in circulation amongst the bogus refugees makes even this official figure untrustworthy.
In addition, the German police have repeatedly warned that the swamping of Germany’s borders by the nonwhite hordes has made it impossible to register all the invaders—with some officials saying that less than 10 percent had been registered.
An indication that the figures do not tally was the fact that according to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), there were “only” some 476,649 formal requests for asylum lodged in 2015—less than half the number of registered “refugees.”
Of this number, some 162,510 claimed to be “Syrians”—only 34 percent of all “asylum” applications.
De Maizière made no effort to explain the discrepancy between the number of “refugees” and the number of “asylum” applications—most likely because many of the invaders were simply absconding once safely inside the Schengen zone, or had no interest in even applying, confident that they could now just stay, because their large numbers mean that the authorities cannot deport them without serious violence.
De Maizière also confirmed that in the last month of 2015, there had been a huge increase in “asylum seekers” entering Germany from Morocco and Algeria—but all coming through the Turkey-Balkans route.
The Bild newspaper reported that the reason why Moroccans and Algerians are using the Turkey-Balkans route is because there are cheap flights from both those countries to Turkey. In addition, Turkey allows nationals from those countries visa-free entry—and so from there it is an easy trip to Greece, from where the European Union will automatically transport them to Germany.
The invasion has continued without interruption into the new year, other German media reports revealed. According to the Focus news service, more than 33,000 nonwhite invaders arrived in Bavaria from December 25, 2015 to January 6, 2016—a total of 3,000 per day.
Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said that the “numbers were far too high,” and that, extrapolated out, would mean that Germany would again face an influx of more than a million invaders in 2016 (excluding the millions more to be added through family reunification programs).