Only an African Would Think They Could Kill a White Hooker in a Modern High-Tech Police State and Get Away with It

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 29, 2019

They’re already removing the Nigerian man’s face from these articles. 

The incredible thing about the Mackenzie Lueck murder isn’t that a black killed a white hooker – blacks are murderous and sexually violent people, everyone knows this.

The incredible thing is that even a black would be stupid enough to think he could get away with this in a locked-down, high-tech surveillance society like 2019 America.

Seriously, no one can get away with anything unless they are being allowed to get away with it because they are Jewish or working for the Jews.


Cell phones and social media were at the heart of the investigation that led to an arrest in the killing of a University of Utah student who vanished nearly two weeks ago.

Investigators tracking her cell phone discovered that 23-year-old Mackenzie Lueck and the man expected to be charged with her murder were both in the park where she was last seen on June 17 within a minute of one another.

That was around the time Lueck’s phone stopped receiving data or location services, police said

Ayoola Ajayi, 31, was arrested Friday and is expected to be charged with aggravated murder. He also faces charges of aggravated kidnapping, obstruction of justice and desecration of a body, according to Salt Lake City Police Chief Mike Brown.

After Lueck disappeared, the suspect originally denied knowing what she looked like, Brown said. But several pictures of her were found on his phone, and the “digital footprint” has continued even after the arrest, police said.

An Instagram account that Lueck’s sorority sister confirmed belongs to the missing student followed another user on or about Wednesday, CNN verified.

Brown confirmed that investigators are looking into the activity on the account.

“This is a digital forensic investigation,” he said. “This is covering computers, cell phones, IP addresses, URLs, texting apps.”

But the investigation is not just limited to digital footprints.

Investigators also found forensic evidence after they searched Ajayi’s home and property Wednesday, police said. As they did, his neighbors told police they saw him using gasoline to burn something in his backyard on June 17 and 18, Brown said.

Police said the search yielded multiple items of evidence.

“A forensic excavation of the burn area was conducted, which resulted in the finding of several charred items that were consistent with personal items of Mackenzie Lueck,” Brown told reporters.

Police also discovered charred material that was determined to be female human tissue consistent with Lueck’s DNA profile, he said. A mattress investigators have been trying to find has been located, police tweeted Friday night, without providing additional details.

I don’t support the police state. But it does mean you simply cannot commit crimes. Everyone always gets caught.

Of course, the only reason we have a police state in the first place – or rather, the only reason people accepted it – is because of nonwhite crime.

The police state was only really rolled out in response to 911, which was a nonwhite crime.

All-white or 99% white countries have almost no crime. The only thing that causes crime in such countries is drugs, and drugs are easily stopped if you just put resources into stopping them.

Our entire society is being crippled by these monkeys we’ve been flooded with.

The future is an Islamic terrorist Pakistani Mayor of London celebrating at an anal pride parade, forever. 

And somehow, these kikes continue to go up there and say “diversity is our greatest strength.”

What the hell does that even mean?

Why would diversity ever make any group of people stronger? Even if the diverse people were not outrageously violent whore-burners, in what way would any society or organization be made stronger by being more diverse?

At the same time that they’re saying all of this “diversity” stuff, NASA is saying they’re going to do an all female mission to conquer the galaxy – because gender diversity makes a space crew less cooperative.

So actually, diversity is only good when it means displacing white men – and every single person on this planet knows that “diversity” is simply a codeword for a social-engineering program to remove white men from the societies they built.

Why are people not allowed to say obvious things?

Is it because of the Jews?