Operation: Jew Wife Goes Into Hyperdrive as Alex Jones Considers Suicide

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 9, 2014

The death cult, bro.   These Germans.  We have to stop them.
The death cult, bro. These Germans. We have to stop them.

Alex Jones is breaking down on air now as he continues to be incapable of managing our assault on his comments section.

Infowars.com will soon fall to Antisemitic forces.

We are winning the Infowar.

Keep up the good work.


Please try this technique. Pretend you are an infowars believer who has seen the stormer light.

Also – info on posting – you can use a cellphone (“seelfong,” for the nigras among us) with grps or 3g, and they cannot block it without blocking entire networks.

Please take screenshots of you attacks. I have some user submitted attacks I will post later.

Alex is on the way down. He cannot stop us. Call in his show and ask about his Jewish wife. I will try as well. Anyone who makes it on will go down in history.