Opposing Trannies Marry Each Other

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 28, 2018

So this is something I expect we’ll see more of.

Wouldn’t it have been easier for the individuals involved and so, so much better for society if they had just gotten together as their normal sexes?

The Sun:

Transgender Army officer Hannah Winterbourne has married actor Jake Graf — who used to be a woman.

Captain Hannah, 31, who spent her first few years in the Army as a man, wed Jake, 40, in London.

The delighted bride said on Monday night: “I never thought when I was younger this could happen to me. It was always a pipe dream.”

The couple tied the knot with a romantic white wedding — saying: “We’re just like any other bride and groom.”

No, sorry.

You’re really not.

Captain Hannah wed Jake in a ceremony that she described as “like a Disney movie”.

Hannah who will now be ­living with Jake in Army married quarters near her barracks, added: “To me, I’m just another girl married to another guy. As you transition and meet someone new you kind of forget about your past.”

Actor Jake, 40, said: “We’re just the same as everyone else, with our flaws and ups and downs — but a little bit different.”

Hannah and Jake revealed they first got together because of a Sun front-page story in January 2015 telling of her courageous decision to become a woman while still on Army active service.

Jake said: “I saw Hannah in The Sun and thought she was beautiful. She was on the front cover so it was hard to miss her!”

He told a mutual friend named Rebecca that he thought Hannah looked cute.

Jake said: “A week later I saw Rebecca again and she said, ‘I spoke to Captain Winterbourne and she thinks you’re quite cute too!’ So it really was school playground stuff.”

The pair made contact on Facebook and swapped messages and finally phone numbers.

Jake, who was in the Eddie Redmayne movie The Danish Girl, said: “In our first phone conversation I asked, ‘Do you think you’d like to have kids because I really want them?’


Okay, so.

Basically, the way the universe works is that you have positive and negative attracting one another and filling one another.

And you do have situations where there is a more masculine woman who hooks up with a more effeminate man. There have always been jokes about this. It is a TV trope, in fact.

I’m of course a proponent of masculinity and femininity for the appropriate genders, but obviously, people are individuals, and some men are going to be less masculine and some women are going to be less feminine, so it makes sense that those types of individuals would couple up with each other.

There is no need for such persons to mutilate their genitals and inject themselves with the hormones of the opposite sex.

And no one would need this to be explained to them if it was not for the Jewish poison in our society. It would just be obvious. Self-explanatory.

In older times, if people knew a less manly man and a less ladylike woman, they would naturally be encouraging the two to get to know each other, without even thinking about it. Because it is the natural order, people would instinctively recognize those two individuals as good for one another.

But no.

Instead we have to do this weird shit.