Orders for iPhone X Cut Due to Low Sales and Lack of Demand

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 27, 2017

So far, I have only seen one iPhone X in public. And I was looking.

The one person I saw was a woman, who clearly had it as a status symbol, not as a piece of useful technology designed to increase efficiency.

I have an iPhone 6 that I dropped and I decided to just have it fixed rather than buying a new one after seeing that there are no new features of any value at all on either the iPhone 8 or the iPhone X. And I’m a person that has an excuse to buy electronics, given that I work all of the time on them. If I thought a $1000 phone would increase my productivity and thus increase the quality of the Daily Stormer, I would buy it. But I am in no way interested in status symbols or gimmicks.

Apparently, my own experiences represent those of the larger masses: people are not buying these phones.


Apple Inc. looks like it’s having a not-so Merry Christmas.

Analysts have lowered iPhone X shipment projections for the first quarter of next year, citing signs of lackluster demand at the end of the holiday shopping season.

Sinolink Securities Co. analyst Zhang Bin said in a report Monday that handset shipments in the period may be as low as 35 million, or 10 million less than he previously estimated. “After the first wave of demand has been fulfilled, the market now worries that the high price of the iPhone X may weaken demand in the first quarter,” Zhang wrote.

It isn’t just the price.

Not many are buying the 8 either, even though it is the regular price (though its sales are higher than that of the X). People who were buying phones every year were doing it because the phones were steadily increasing in their functionality, which helped people with their lives.

Now that has peaked. There is no more added functionality. Even if the removal of the button on the X didn’t lower functionality (many reviewers and users have claimed that it did), it certainly didn’t increase it. Speed and screen resolution improvements are not enough to be relevant.

JL Warren Capital LLC said shipments will drop to 25 million units in the first quarter of 2018 from 30 million units in the fourth quarter, citing reduced orders at some Apple suppliers. The drop reflects “weak demand because of the iPhone X’s high price point and a lack of interesting innovations,” the New York-based research firm said in note to clients Friday.

“Bad news here is that highly publicized and promoted X did not boost the global demand for iPhone X,” according to the note.

Apple has been counting on a redesigned 10th anniversary iPhone to boost shipments as its market value advances toward $1 trillion. The Cupertino, California-based company is facing new challenges from Samsung Electronics Co., which is quickly recovering from the Galaxy Note 7’s recall after fires. In the meantime, Chinese brands such as Huawei, Oppo and Xiaomi are also luring away potential customers in China and other emerging markets such as India.

There is currently no perceivable difference in performance between one of those mentioned cheap Chinese Androids and an iPhone X.

I will continue to use Apple because it is more secure, but that isn’t an issue for most people.

Apple is said to have trimmed its first-quarter sales forecast to 30 million units from 50 million, Taiwanese newspaper Economic Daily News reported, citing unidentified supply chain officials. It also said Hon Hai Precision Industry Co.’s main iPhone X manufacturing hub in Zhengzhou, China, stopped recruiting workers. The company also known as Foxconn is the sole iPhone X assembler, and also makes the handsets in Shenzhen and Chengdu.

That is a massive change in the forecast.

The stock is going to collapse, I can guarantee it.

Apple will continue to exist, continue to make very high quality electronics, but they are no longer a futuristic technology company.

Their affirmative action homosexual CEO killed that.

Apple failed to introduce a timely competitor to the Amazon Alexa and got blown out. They failed to do that because they were too busy working on an overpriced super-gimmick phone with no button.

This is the cost of affirmative action.

Instead of hiring the best person, they hired a person who sucks dick, because the best person would have been a heterosexual white male and a progressive company like Apple isn’t allowed to hire such persons.

The future of technology is going to be Korean, because they are willing to hire not only their own heterosexual males but also competent heterosexual white males.

It is very sad to see a once-great American company go down like this.