Oregon Shooter Loved Satan, had No-GFism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 4, 2015

Sucks, bro. Maybe go shoot up a school for Satan?
Sucks, bro. Maybe go shoot up a school for Satan?

As reported, the Oregon Mulatto school shooter (who was also a White supremacist) was an /r9k/ poster. Apparently.

As such, it is no surprise that he suffered from satan-worshiping and no-GFism.

NBC News:

The heavily armed gunman who slaughtered nine people at an Oregon college left a hate-filled note at the scene of his rampage and “felt the world was against him,” law enforcement officials confirmed Friday.

Two officials familiar with the contents of the note say 26-year-old Christopher Harper Mercer, who was killed in after an exchange of gunfire with police Thursday at Umpqua Community College, wrote that he would be “welcomed in Hell and embraced by the devil.”

He wrote that he was “in a bad way,” one official said. “He was depressed, sullen.”

The officials said Mercer lamented the fact that he did not have a girlfriend. “He said he had no life,” another official said, adding: “He felt the world was against him.”

I think instead of blaming guns for this, we should blame the world – after all, that’s who was against him.

Better yet, let’s blame Hitler.

The LA Times is in a serious competition with The Washington Post for the title of Guardian US Edition
The LA Times is in a serious competition with The Washington Post for the title of Guardian US Edition

First rule of everything: always blame Hitler.