Original Dragon Quest III Team Upset with Woke Edits, Blame “Ridiculous” America

America is a ridiculous country and all normal people in the world can see that.

These edits to the latest Dragon Quest game involve removing “sexy” female characters as well as removing gender. America is a country where a young boy is harmed by looking at a slightly sexualized cartoon character, but he’s not harmed by being told to become a homosexual tranny and cut his dick off.

This is ridiculous and much worse.

Niche Gamer:

A new interview at Tokyo Game Show 2024 has revealed Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii isn’t happy with the censorship in the Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, among other changes made to the remake.

The interview was held with both former Shonen Jump editor-in-chief Kazuhiko Torishima (who also had a big role in the creation of Dragon Quest) and Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii talking up the game with Japanese outlet Denfamico Gamer. When the topic of costume censorship was brought up, both revealed they were unhappy with the changes.

“There are so many restrictions for exposed skin,” Horii said when the censorship was brought up. The interviewer, a woman, replied saying “It’s fiction, I think it’s fine that you just go into the story and become the main character.” Both the interviewer and Horii then questioned why the original costumes were a concern.

The interviewer then said “It’s fiction, it’s a fictional experience, so long as it’s enjoyable it’s fine.”

Horii followed up by noting “If there’s more exposure, the age rating has to go up.. that means we can’t sell it for all-ages.”

Another (male) interviewer noted rules vary by the country and when trying to sell globally, the issue of compliance comes up with the strictest regulations, to which the other female interviewer said “we never thought about this in the past.”

Torishima replied with “Compliance is like an all-powerful god. It’s something that is using the name of good but is actually bad. It’s impossible every single person doesn’t feel uncomfortable. It’s fine to feel uncomfortable. Beautiful and ugly, good and evil, it depends on the person.”

“It’s fine as long as they don’t do what you’re not allowed to do,” Torishima said. “In western countries there’s a root of thinking based on religion and it influences their sex education, right? Their attitude to compliance is really narrow-minded.”

Well, it’s not religion, because Dragon Quest was sold to me when I was like 6. It was called Dragon Warrior III back then. No one told me the costumes were evil.

Torishima also discussed selling manga in the west, “When selling manga in America and the west, everything had to be categorized by age groups. With Shonen Jump, they couldn’t be sold unless they were rated age 13 and older, because there’s a risk of lawsuits and they need to have insurance.

Doing business with a ridiculous country like this is such a hassle,” Torishima said. “Coming from this, Japan gets negatively influenced as well.”

Later in the interview the controversial change to remove gendered language from the remake was brought up, in which the game removed “male” and “female” pronouns and replaced them with “Appearance A” and “Appearance B” instead.

“In Dragon Quest, you used to be able to choose between a male and female protagonist,” Horii said. “But now you can’t choose between a man and a woman anymore.”

Horii added, “We have to call them Type 1 and Type 2. I truly wonder who is even complaining about this?”

It’s a fair question.

The answer is “Jews, actually.”

Obviously, no one is going to not buy the game because it has a sexy girl or because it has male and female genders. Even if the sexy girl gets some “game rating” thing that says you have to be 13 to see a cartoon girl in a bikini, no parent looks at that anyway.

The reason these nips have to go along with the American rules is because the American games industry will purposefully torpedo a game that they don’t like.

America is stripping the fun out of everything, turning the world into a sickening gay nightmare, where heterosexuality is de facto banned and people are forced to be gay.

Maybe the Japanese should be selling their games to the Chinese and ignoring the Americans? China has a strict ban on pornographic content, but no rules against sexy cartoon girls.

Frankly, Americans should bear some responsibility for letting Jews take over their country and destroy the world. Obviously, what the Jews are doing in Palestine or the Ukraine is much more serious than ruining a video game, but it’s the same problem. America is a Jew country. Jews are 2% of the population, but they control absolutely everything, and they make all of these demands, and Americans are so fat and stupid and cowardly, they just go along with all of it.

Anyway, the game is to be released on November 14th. It’s done in the style of Octopath Traveller, and looks quite lovely.

Hopefully it isn’t totally ruined by sexlessness and tranny messaging.