Oscar-Nominated Whites Demand They be Ethnically Cleansed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2016


Just imagine if we lived in a world where Whites were like “WOOOOOOO, YEAH! WE BEAT THOSE BLACKS AGAIN!”

Wouldn’t that be healthier than a world where Whites say “we beat those Blacks… we need to be ethnically cleansed so we stop winning.”

Two actors whose films are expected to challenge for Oscars glory next month, Brie Larson and Mark Ruffalo, have backed calls for the world’s foremost film ceremony to improve diversity following the ongoing furore over all-white lists of nominees.

The Guardian:

Ruffalo told BBC Breakfast that the “entire American system is rife with white privilege racism,” adding: “It goes into our justice system.” The 48-year-old actor said he was mulling joining the boycott advocated by Jada Pinkett Smith and civil rights leader Al Sharpton, though he later confirmed on Twitter that he would be attending.

Ruffalo, who is up for best supporting actor for his role in the Catholic church abuse drama Spotlight – the bookmakers’ favourite to take best picture – wrote: “To clear up any confusion. I will be going to the Oscars in support of the victims of clergy Sexual Abuse and good journalism.”

Oh wow. I wrote an article about how all the nominated movies contain anti-White themes – I didn’t even realize Spotlight was about demonizing the Catholic Church.

Larson, widely tipped to take home the best actress prize next month for her turn in abuse drama Room, used an Instagram post promoting her appearance on the front cover of the Hollywood Reporter to highlight the diversity deficit furore. “Thank you @hollywoodreporter for covering this very unique moment in my life! It was wonderful spending time with all of you,” she wrote. “Personally, I’m interested in reading their article on #OscarsSoWhite. This is a conversation that deserves attention.”

Cleanse me, oh cleanse me.

This is why Whites needed all those Christian rituals, people: we have an innate guilt which we feel we need cleansed of. Just like the hajis created a religion to deal with their insane sex impulses, we created a religion to deal with our own biology.

Anyway, yes: we should continue to make this as extreme as possible. If I had the time and energy, I would launch a massive campaign calling for Chris Rock to refuse to host the ceremony, as well as for nominated actors to refuse to attend.

This is a great opportunity to make the Blacks look more ridiculous than they already do.